
Have you ever had a past life memory?

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I have had several past life experiences. When I could barely speak, I told my mom about my friend Jung and how all of his family was killed in a war (WW1 or WW2) I told her in deep detail about all of his family and I then proceeded to start speaking to her in full Japanese. I'm not making this up and nor is she. My dad witnessed this same event and he doesn't believe in anything spiritual. I also have memories of being a Native American living on the Fort Hall Reservation.

Do any of you have memories of a past life?

If you do, please share them with me!!




  1. i honestly dont think past life exsists..

    you just die, and go to heaven.

    well thats what i believe anyway.

  2. Well I havnt had one pesronally, but my father has.

    I'm the only one he's ever shared them with. I personally do believe in them completly. I dont believe in just one life. My father goes on and on about all these stories he has about how he lived during WW2, and how he was a solider. They are so detailed, i know he cant be making any of it up.

    No one lives only one life.

    So if you remember memories from your past lives, all the better for you right?

  3. they say dreams tell you what is in the past and what is in the future. ive had a dream that i was once a knight fighting in the crusade. i was deadly to my enemies when i had my shield and sword with me. i dont remember how it ended but i knew i was a fierce warrior and a religious one at that

  4. my mom said when i was little i told her that i lived with my grandmother and sister and that we had a blue pick up trick. i don't remember this now but apparently i did.

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