
Have you ever had a person that has passed away come visit you by tapping your window?

by  |  earlier

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years ago my friend died, i found out months after he had passed. the night i found out he had passed, there was a tapping on my bedroom window. it would tap two times in a row. i was living on the second floor and i looked outside to see if it was a bird or a tree branch. i had never heard this noise before. i had a weird feeling that maybe it was this friend trying to contact me. so i said out loud "if this is you, knock 3 times". it was quiet for a moment and then there was three taps. has anyone else experienced this?




  1. did you ever see Steven Kings Salems Lot?  The Boys brother comes back as a vampire scratching and tapping at his window to get in! that scene was wierd. Maybe it was a vampire looking for you to give it an invite???LOL

  2. well, not exactly like that, no, but I've had relatives who've passed on come to visit me. His tapping was just a way to let you know he was there.

  3. I believe you. I have not had anyone I know die so I have to say no.

  4. No, I live in the world of reality. Give it a try!

  5. You started out with a logical train of though... bird or tree branch. How did this digress to ghost? Did you decide that since you couldnt see the cause right away that it must be something completely unexplainable.

    Chances are it was not a ghost, as ghosts do not exist except in the imaginations of scared children and network producers.

    Prove that statement wrong please. Nobody has yet.

  6. Not that I can remember. How would I know who it was? I think when people we love die..we assume that they're the ones trying to contact us. Maybe if I saw them in their spirit body...then I'd believe it was them. Did you say"if this is 'you'?" or did you say "if this is "John"?..or whatever his name was.

  7. no, when they die they don't move any more.

  8. Maybe this person was in your room. Something would hit my bedroom door or hit my bed.

  9. no but i have had intuitions of my family members passing away (that i ignored). so i believe that your problems are not any stranger than mine. also, i think it's totally normal. i hear knocking around the house even when there are no close relatives or friends that passed away. don't be scared and just act as if nothing really happened. if you keep worrying, you're only increasing your chances of getting high anxiety

  10. Yes!  My husband died in a car accident in 1997.  He used to shake my feet to wake me up.   For the last ten years about once every couple of months, I get woken up in the middle of the night by someone shaking my foot.  I don't complain, I know he is just letting me know he is still around.

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