
Have you ever had a "paranormal" experience that wasn't a ghost or a UFO?

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UFOS and ghosts will be in another question. :)

Can you tell us about your strange experience?




  1. I went out of my body once, but does that count as a ghost?

    There are times, when I go someplace, and I am 100% certain that I have never been there before.

  2. When I was a teenager, I always knew when the phone range if it was my step-sister (who didn't call often or at regular intervals, and who I had never met.  I even told my step-mother it was her one time before she answered, and it was.

  3. Once I was in the middle of NOWHERE and I just tripped! Over nothing! At all! I'm being for real too! And no I didn't trip over myself....

    Peace, love, and happiness.

  4. I thought I found El Chupacabra, but it turned out that the neibors just got a really ugly dog.

  5. In the military, I served on a Special Forces unit.  On a mission, around fifteen years ago, my unit was on a night mission where intelligence told us we should encounter little to no resistence to the objective, so I wasn't paying complete attention to my surroundings.  While going through a narrow corridor, completely alone, someone pushed me down from behind, the very second that the enemy shot at me.  Everyone that I have told this story to has told me that I must have tripped at the perfect moment, but I know I felt someone push me down, because they pushed me so hard, it knocked the wind out of me, and there wasn't a soul around me to be seen.

  6. One summer during my teenage years I woke up at the same time every day.  Well, it seemed like I did.  On reflection I think it was just confirmation bias at work.

    My dad still teases me about a time when as a kid I looked at the clock when it was 11:11.  I said, "It's a miracle!"  It wasn't.

  7. For as long as I can remember, I wake up sometimes paralysed, only able to open my eyes.  Try as I may, I can't move my body an inch, I can hear and see everything going on around me - yet I just have to will myself back to sleep so I can re-wake and be able to move.

    Also, when I drift off to sleep, this incredible vibrating noise enters my head, kind of like what you'd imagine electricity to sound like.

    Around 4 years ago now, in July, I went to go to bed & both of these thing happened.  I remember the feeling was so intense, I just wanted it to stop.  After a while, the noise died down a bit although I was still paralysed.  All of a sudden, my back started lifting up from the bed.  I was so scared I just remember thinking 'as soon as this is over, I'm getting out of this house'.  My back eventually touched the sheets again although as soon as it did, my whole body started floating towards to ceiling!  My whole breathing pattern changed and my body was tingling.

    This only lasted around 5 seconds or so & I felt myself back in bed and I was able to move.  I sat up straight away I couldn't believe what had happened.

    This continued to happen every night for about a week.

    It still happens every year, in the same month around the same time.  I can't explain it and I don't know why it happens...

  8. I once had an OBE (out of body experience) while sitting in front of the computer.  It was late at night, and I must have been tired.  I was connected to a chat room in a website that dealt with (what else?) the paranormal.  For about three seconds or so I could see the back of my head, and could see over my shoulder like someone was reading over my shoulder.

    Every now and then I've had precognitive experiences, where I knew something was going to happen, or something was ahead.  One time while driving down the interstate I knew there was a cop hiding in the trees on the median.  There's usually one there, but not always.  I knew he was there that particular day.  I also knew that a certain vehicle that drove past me was going to get pulled over, even though he was going pretty much the speed limit.

    When I was 10, I told my parents we needed to buy some flexible drinking straws because we really needed them.  Mom said we didn't, that I wanted them for myself.  Less than a week later she gets into a car accident that put her neck into a brace, and she required those flexible straws in order to drink whatever she had.

    Every now and then when I go to bed, as I'm on the verge of sleep, I begin to hear voices.  It's not someone telling me what to do, or my own thought.  It sounds like someone flipping through the channels on the TV very rapidly from very far away, but they don't sound like TV shows.  I might hear one or two words, or an entire sentence or two.  When I lived by myself, as I was coming out of sleep when I took a nap in the afternoons during the weekends, I'd hear it as if I had left the TV on.  But I distinctly remember turning the TV off, and putting the remote in a location where the cats couldn't accidentally step on it and turn on the TV.

  9. Yes, in another question I talked about how my girlfriend and I have been haunted by a strange entity that didn't appear to be a ghost. It left a sparkly dust on her nightstand so she suspected a pixie, faerie or sprite, but I found what looked like a clover on the kitchen counter one night, so I suspected a leprechaun. We still haven't solved the mystery yet but we encounter strange things going on here all the time. We're still investigating.

  10. I already explained about my near death experience and the out of body moment that came with it in another question, but here it goes again.

    When i was a kid, I fell from a tree and got a stick impaled through my left leg and out the other side

    As I was being taken to the hospital in an ambulance, I felt like I had left my body. I was staring down at my body and my own face was staring back. The fear I felt at this was unbelievable, mostly because I thought that I was going to die

    I'm not sure if this was supernatural, though. I could have been attributed to the loos of blood combined with the pain. I was sort of freaky, though.

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