
Have you ever had a real life vision of Jesus before your eyes or heard His actual voice speakin2ya?

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Have you ever had a real life vision of Jesus before your eyes or heard His actual voice speakin2ya?




  1. Yes I have seen Jesus.  I was younger and was terribly afraid of the dark.  I prayed that God would keep watch over me throughout the night and when I looked up there stood a man w/ such love in His eyes.  There are no words that can describe it.  It could only be Jesus .  Then years later, right after I had my son, I had just put him in his crib and was watching him sleep and I prayed to God to watch over him while I slept.  And again, when I looked up, there the same man, Jesus, stood again w/ His hand over my son.  What love radiated from Him.  There was such a peace and calm about Him.  He never said a audible word.  He just looked at me a smiled and in that smile, was such a feeling of love and compassion.  My words can't do it justice.

    And I do hear God, but not audibly, but internally.  He speaks in a quite voice in my heart.  He would to you too, if you'll let honestly seek Him and let Him.

    Laugh if you want, I'm sure you will, but you or anyone can ever change my mind or what happened.

  2. Umm, I try not to make a habit of talking to 2000 year old Palestinian ghost.

  3. Saw Christ not Jesus;  did not hear actual voice.

  4. I thought i saw Jesus once and I took a picture with him.....I was 17 and on Acid and when i looked at the photo a few days later...I was hugging a tree!!!

  5. Yes.  I actually hired him myself.  He works for me in the plant doing maintenance.  He is a short little Mexican guy who barely speaks English (don't worry, I made sure to get all the credentials to make sure he is here legally).

    Anyway...I find it weird that you are asking about that guy.  Do you know him?

  6. When I was a young girl abt the age 6~7 I was playing outside my house when I heard a question spoken to me (like a thought).  It was about life and death.  Knowing the question of life and death was spiritual I picked 'Life'.  Then I heard 'follow me'.  

    God does influence my life daily.  He is a gentle hand that guides me.  By the power of God the blind can see.

  7. Yeah, he's a frequent botter of ciggies from me at lilydale station.

    god bloke though.

  8. I hear God speak to me every day.  I believe that God and Jesus are the same.  However, he speaks to my spirit, so it is not sound in the air.  When I die and am just a spirit, he will still speak to me, even though my ears can no longer hear.  

  9. Yes. And it is true what else can I say. That is how I became a believer - was not before, was an atheist and used to go to churches and make noises etc. I tested Him a lot, I am not proud of it, but it took me long time to actually believe in what I was seeing. And yes, Christ and Jesus is the same person Jesus Christ.

  10. Seen him.. heard him.. love him madly!  But omg he has some issues he needs to work out. Then again we all do but still.. somebody give that boy a sedative! I LOVE YOU JESUS! *hugs and kisses* cya soon

  11. I have never seen him but if I did that would be the most amazing thing! If I had a dream where I actually saw him or spoke to him then that would be the best dream ever!  But we can't make him come to us in dreams.  I've never heard his actual voice but since I accepted jesus into my life it's like I thoughts like telling me to do something good like yesterday my friends boyfriend who doesn't really like me and I used to really not like him was ill and getting a cold and then I had this thought in my head telling me to offer him this sweet thing that helps colds cause I had some in my bag.  I know that hes giving me guidence on how to live through my thoughts.

  12. are you kidding me?

    sometimes i wish i could make him stop talking that's another thing that got him in trouble he talks to much, about seeing him hmm just lest say that the facial hair thing is all made up but dang he's got some hairy legs and about everything else  

  13. Only when I was a Mormon... long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...  

  14. No, but I am praying for one. I do know other people that have. My grandpa did about a week before he died. He was laying down in his bed, and he started calling for my uncle. My uncle came in his room, and my grandpa said, "Look, do you see Him?" My uncle was like, "See who, dad?" My grandpa described who he seen. He knew it was Jesus. He said He was beautiful with long hair and the prettiest bright blue eyes. He told my uncle that it was Jesus standing there with His arms reached to him.  

    God gave my mom a vision after my uncle Danny died. My mom was torn up because she didn't know if uncle Danny made it to heaven. Soon after his death, she had a vision of my uncle walking on bright flowers, and when he's walk on these flowers they would stand right up again like they were never walked on.

    As for me, I'm praying for a vision of my dad who died just a couple of weeks ago. I want to know if he made heaven. God will show me, if he did.  

  15. I heard the voice of God. In a hospital room where i was a patient I didn't get along with my room mate. She was impossible. One night all was asleep and   quite, she was sleeping, a voice said." How can you say you love Me when you don't love her." It spoke to my heart because it is true i didn't love her so i changed my attitude towards her and apologized to her and  confessed to God and we got along just fine after  that. .When it was time for me to go home she thanked me for being so nice to her.  Only by the grace of God can any one do that.  

  16. yes it happened when an evangelist laid hands on my head and prayed with me...God was comforting me. I wont ever forget it..

  17. We won't see Jesus till Heaven which is fine with me I just pray He would hurry up. But as for hearing Him, it's like a thought that makes perfect sense pops into my head. That is how I hear God speaking to me. But He answers in other ways too. He speaks through people to me and that is amazing. Maybe Jesus is speaking through me now to you. Will you accept Him?  

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