
Have you ever had a really fun job?

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What did you do? How did you get the job?




  1. I worked for a theatrical production company a few years ago.  I just worked in the office, so the job itself was totally boring, but there was fun stuff that went on when they were planning shows and we always got to see everything for free.  

  2. I used to work with dogs, I absolutely loved it!

  3. My favorite job I ever had was in animal control.  Crazy I know, but it was fun, exciting and something different every day.  I got it by accident, looking for a job while in college, started as a clerk and liked it went into the field.  Then I moved away and have never had another job like it.  Now I am stuck in corporate america where everything is ruled by the mighty dollar.

  4. This sounds SUPER girly, and it is... but hey, it's the best job I had

    I worked in a very VERY small Jewelry store with a friend of mine. The staff consisted of 6 girls, myself included. The oldest girl was probably 23 and I was 17. I liked everyone, and I knew that no matter who I was working with, I'd have a great time. There were almost never more than 3 girls on at a time, and so we'd just put on good music, try on the jewelry, play around. We had alot of freedom to do things with the merchandising so we'd change things around, fill the floor, clean up- it was really fun to have all that responsibility, it sounds crazy, but it really was.

    Then, I had another good job working at a hair salon/beauty supply store. Fun people to work with, and I got my hair done free. Unfortunately the damage bin was right next to the purse area, and one day I put something in there, and someone thought I was stealing, and on camera it looked like I was, so I was "let go" (bull, I know, but oh well what can you do)

    I miss those days :( The fun jobs, not the getting fired

  5. No really fun, no.

  6. I do have a fun job.  I'm a tour director.  I got it because I used to work in a hotel and one day the manager of a company that ran tours through that hotel came in and I asked him for a job.

  7. I LOVED retail when I first started my career (In retail!) Having fun on the job (which is the most important thing to me!) is dependent on YOU and the folks you work with and for. Retail is like having a second family that cares about you, and the customers that come in the store. If you have a great management team, everyone is on the same page to keep the store clean and well merchandised.

    Getting that truck out is a challenge and we LOVE the holiday season. Love, love love retail!

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