
Have you ever had a really horrible perm done at the beauty salon.....?

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and it ruined your hair? Back in the 70's, a week before my brother's wedding, I had a perm done (suggested by a friend of mine) and it ruined my hair to the point of my hair almost falling out and it felt like a straw hat. It was frizzy and did nothing. I remember crying and saying I wasn't going to the wedding. I didn't want anyone to see me. But another friend came to the rescue and curled my hair with a curling iron and all turned out well. But has something similar to this happen to you? What did you do and how did you handle it? What did you use to help the problem? Did you get mad at the hairdresser?




  1. Not in a salon. But when I was a little girl, my mother would give me and my sister perms at home.   Wow, what a curly mess it would be.  She would put the curlers on and the perm, and tell us to go out and play.  We have school pictures with our new do's.  We laugh and laugh "now". Memories, priceless.

  2. Yes, back in the 80s. I went to a salon for the first time. I had color on my hair, told her so. She fried my hair. I looked like I had been electrically charged! I too had to use a curling iron to smooth it out, which probably didn't help with the extra heat each time. I used deep treatments of conditioner. Eventually it grew out and I kept it trimmed which helped every 4-6 weeks. Never again. That was my last perm. Once the hair grows out totally, your hair is all new hair, so it should not have an effect on your hair after it has grown completely out. I think most ladies have had some kind of 'experience' at the salon. :)

  3. Yes some time back and I wanted to stay in the house till it grew out enough to cut it.

    Mom took me to another beautician that fixed it for me including a cut. I still use her for my hair.

    We laugh about how we met.

  4. No, may  hair is naturally curly, SO, back in the 60s, I decided to straighten  it.  I used Curl Free and it fried my hair.  I had a bald spot that took forever to grow in.

  5. No, but my daughter once dyed my hair and it turned out green, and all she could do was laugh every time she looked at me.

    I had to stay off work  and go to the hair dresser to rectify her work, when my husband saw it he joined in the laughter.

    Happy memories I often think about, as I have since lost my daughter.

  6. Never needed a perm, have naturally curly hair. But had a bad dye job that left it greenish-gray one time. Had to redye and it was fried until it grew out again.

  7. No, not with a perm.  BUT a few years ago I went to have my hair cut and highlighted.  I told the hairdresser (who was not my typical one who was on vacation) that I wanted just a few streaks - nothing too dramatic.  I have reddish-blonde hair (naturally) and asked for honey blonde streaks - just in the front.  I noticed she was putting quite a bit of color in and I asked her her "are you just putting a few streaks in?"  She said, "Yes, the rest is just conditioning balm that you need for your hair".  I ended up with a head of VERY blonde hair - very little of my own color even left and she OVER-processed it ...burnt it good.  It took 3 years for my hair to improve but it was never the same again.  I would normally complain to the manager - I didn't do it as this particular hair-dresser was just back to work after being off for cancer - chemo-therapy - and I didn't have the heart to complain about her.  I have learned my lesson though to never have anyone that I am not familiar with dye my hair.  A cut can grow out but someone using chemicals on your hair for hair color or permanants can ruin your hair forever.

  8. YES!!!!!!  In 1977 I was 25 and use to have an Afro.  She left the perm in to long and it was so tight and awful.  to make matters worse, i had gone from shoulder length hair to the afro.  Went to visit my parents and my dad left the house.  It was so bad

  9. A stylist once cut one side of my hair in one style and the other side in another style.  Several people at the salon told me the guy was dead drunk all the time.  The kind of drunk who never appears drunk.  He offered to redo it but I went somewhere else.

  10. When I was in high school, I had a perm that didn't take.  My mother, made the mistake of giving me another perm on top of that one.  All I got was frizzy hair.  I had to water it down to make it lie flat.  I could hardly wait until that one grew out.

  11. Yes, I have.  Just look at my new avatar.  I am ready for an early Halloween.

  12. I got a haircut and a permanent just before my son's wedding.  I warned her that my hair curled very easily but should have saved my breath.  My hair looked exactly like a blond poodle's pelt and I have the wedding photos to remember the day.  Thank goodness my hair grows fast.  That perm never did relax a bit.  The hair had to be cut off.

  13. I am lucky enough to have naturally curly, wavy hair never had a perm in my life mind you I have had some bad colours put in and hair cuts but then it grows out quickly.  Gosh I am fortunate.

  14. Yes, a horrible hair cut and a horrible perm.  That is why 20 years ago I decided I was going to cut aned perm my own hair.  I have been cutting my own hair, and giving it a perm now and again, and am never dis-satisfied with it.

    One thing about hair, it grows again.  If I cut it too short, it will take a week to grow to a good length.

    I have probably saved hundreds of dollars in the process and have not been stressed out paying out for something I was not happy with.  I was also my children's hairdresser.  I have some cute pictures of my sons with "bowl" hair cuts.  Poor creatures, what they had to put up with..  They laugh now thank goodness.

    That was when hair cuts were cheap, now, it is so expensive I wouldn't be going even if I was happy with the service.

  15. No, never had a perm.

  16. To answer your question (so I don't get ANOTHER violation notice)>

    NO, I never have.

    And why do you gals call them PERMANENTS if you have to keep getting them?  Shouldn't they be called TEMPORARIES?

  17. when i was 25 i went in and had my hair that was below my bottom cut and a curly know the kind it was the 80's it was barely under my ears it was terrible..i'm a big girl and i looked like little orphan annie on steriods..the bad ex husband thought it was a wig and a big joke he pulled on and the look on his face! i hated it ..i couldnt get mad at her she did what i THOUGHT i wanted..never again that mess took about 3 years to grow out...

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