
Have you ever had a reply or question get violated?

by  |  earlier

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There are some trolls in this section who report answers that shouldn't be reported, answers that are NOT in violation with the community guidelines.

So I want to encourage everyone to report their violations if they really weren't violating anything because this is what you'll get for a reply!

Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Answers.

We have reviewed your appeal request. Upon review, we found that your

content was not in violation of the Yahoo! Answers Community


Yahoo! Community Guidelines or the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

Your content has been reposted to Yahoo! Answers, and we apologize for

any inconvenience this may have caused.

Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Answers.



Doing this will ALSO get the "troll" who is falsly reporting things, banned or given less credit on reports!




  1. yes i did because i asked the question which country are you in and what time is it, i have just read my email and was angry they said the violation was chattin!!!!!!!!!!!! i couldnt believe it!!! i replyed back to them and am waiting to hear!!!!!

  2. No, but one time someone gave me the best answer so he could call be a bast*rd. I thought that was rude and since my parents were married when I was conceived he was also in error.

  3. Okay then!

  4. Thanks for the tip.

    Does Y!A really follow up on false reports?

  5. Okay.....

  6. i'm glad you brought this up..... i tend to give every question (unless its a serious matter) an extremely smartass answer....

    but one of the few serious answers i did give got reported (of all those to choose) simply because the asker didnt appreciate my opposition to their dislike of barack obama's being muslim

    go figure

  7. Thanks so much, when the Heather-hater next falsely reports me, I'll do just that

    The false-reporting troll will also lose credibility once it has been checked out and found not to be in violation of TOS

    Thanks for letting us know

  8. Will it really do anything?  I've had questions that aren't in violation reported, and deleted, but when I respond in defense of my question, nothing happens...

  9. All the flippin' time. Oh well.

  10. Good troll hunting!

  11. Out of curiosity, how long did it take to receive a reply?  Was the appeal through the website or through the email address?  Did you get your points back?

  12. I guess I haven't.  I assume Yahoo would send me some type of message if I had.  I'm still new to this stuff.

  13. Hey, thanks! That's good to know--I always try to be polite but honest in my answers. There was a question asked that I started to try to answer but after thinking about it--it was too absurd and barely in english--so I put something to that effect and got reported for "insulting the asker" or some c**p--it was ridiculous.

  14. I should have fought them!

    I used to get them, but now that the Pasta Chick is on hiatus, my violations seem to have dried up.

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