
Have you ever had a romantic kiss?

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have you ever had a romantic kiss??If so,then tell me where it took place and how it happend :)




  1. OK let me think i was about 15 and me and a group of people were at the roller rink and a female that i was were practically in love with was also there we'll call her X well i walked (rolled) up to her and start doing that Well "i kinda notice you at school c**p" trying to come up  wit a good way to as her out. looking and the ground swaying from side to side kicking my right foot, like in the movies and out of no where she lifts my head says "I've seen you to and" then she just kissed me. it D*a*m*n near knocked me ova  then i was like WOW. so i did the only thing i knew i could do after something like that i kissed her back and well i could lie and say something like the DJ was playing RJ's one wish but that how it happened. :)

    got more stories bout thing like that if ya wanna here

  2. Long story.  I never was good with girls.  I was already in my early 30s and just figured I'd probably never get married or anything.  It was not like I'd never been kissed (& other stuff) but I had never really felt I 'connected' with a girl.

    Well, I quit a job I'd had for quite a long time and I was feeling really depressed.  I thought 'Maybe I'll take some night classes'.  When I left, it was raining, which is unusual here in California.  And as I was driving home on the freeway through the hills, the rain stopped and there was this brilliant rainbow.  The end of the rainbow came down on our local community college!  Maybe God was trying to tell me something!  I started taking some classes in computer science and quality control (I worked in quality control).

    Well there was this girl.  She was a little younger than me.  She seemed kind of wild at first.  We got to talking but we didn't go out or anything until like two quarters later, when she asked me if I'd like to go out for coffee.  A week later I asked her out to a movie.  She kissed me first, and it was a wonderful kiss, I still remember it.  She said "You have soft lips!"  It was the kiss that did it.  We went back to her place.  Our first date!

    We have been together 25 years now.  We own a  house together.  We are still not married, but we didn't have kids (she couldn't) so we didn't think it was necessary.  We've had a wonderful life together and we still kiss like teenagers.

  3. yes i've had a romantic kiss, and i won't forget it, it won't ever compare to any kiss i've had =]

    it was when i was sleeping over at my friend's house and i was on the couch with my boyfriend and we were falling asleep and then he said something really sweet and we kissed so romantically, and i'm never going to forget it, he makes me feel so happy i can't even describe it, when i'm with him, i feel like myself, and all i want to do is kiss him forever

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