
Have you ever had a shrink advise you to do what you are already doing?

by  |  earlier

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after you have told them that's what you already do and you still don't feel better? Example: volunteer (or anything!)




  1. Yup.. DING you just paid lots of $$ for what happens when shrinks have NO idea what to do.

    Been there...they like to say the same things..they get afraid to be outside their comfort zone..

  2. Yes many times.  Shrinks are not magic balls and they don't know the answer to everything.  I think the most success that is being gained by a Psychiatrist is when you talk to one, you are also working out your own problems hearing yourself talk about it.  Does that make sense, they are kinda like a sounding board giving you reassurance you are doing things the right way.  Just keep going and things will work out.  Don't be afraid to open up and ask him/her what else you can do to correct a situation.  Ask them lots of questions, make them give you more input if you feel it would help.  If you are not getting the support you feel you need feel free to change to a new one for a fresh perspective.  

  3. Therapists aren't necessarily there to provide you with direct answers. They can make suggestions but if they follow Freud's original idea of psychotherapy they are simply there to help guide you to the answers that are within yourself. If they've done that, they've done there job. Give what you're doing some time to work, if you don't feel better after that, you should revisit the issue with your therapist and tell them that you want to take a different aprroach to the issue. Tell them that what you're doing isn't working and you need their help to find something that will.  

  4. Not a good one, no.

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