
Have you ever had a sign or communication with someone who has passed away?

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'k5lqp'--Please note that this question is not under the 'Religion' category!




  1. God takes care of the dead. We takes care of living.

  2. Yes ive had many, and including communication with angels...I know it wasnt my imagination, and that they were real messages, as they all led was enough proof for me, that life exists after we die...

  3. I had a friend pass away about 6 years ago, and he still, occasionally, comes to me in my dreams, and just tells me that he is ok, and to tell everyone he is ok. Its weird, cuz in my dream, I'm like, "Ryan! What are you doing here? You're dead!" But it makes me feel good knowing he is ok, and that he wants me to know that.

  4. Right after my Dad died, my 3rd son of 4 sons, who is also a twin, indicated to me a few times that he was "seeing" or talking to Grandpa.  He was a little over two years old and at different times would appear to be looking up and then he would say something about Grandpa.  He once told me Grandpa said not to cry.  I also once asked him when he was babbling up at no one who he was talking to he said Grandpa.

  5. of course! my aunt communicates with my family all the time.  we have these chimes on my uncle's porch that will chime w/o any wind to ring them.  and if u leave the air conditioning off at that same house, she will turn it on... she always hated the house to be hot... lol!  :)

  6. When my close friend passed away, I could feel his presence near me.  I also saw him several places, it was never him, just someone who looked remarkably like him.  I also heard songs on the radio from bands that he liked that really described the situation or how I was feeling at the time.  I felt in these ways he was communicating with me.  Last, but certainly not least, I had a dream that he came to me and told me that basically everything would be ok.

  7. kind of, yes....i consider it to be, anyway.  my favorite uncle passed away some years ago, and his wife my aunt just a few years ago.  so last month i had a dream that i was in the house i grew up in and they came to visit, looking as they looked when i was young.  i was very excited to have them show up and went running out to greet & hug them, and they were also excited to see me and came running up to the house to greet & hug me.  i hadn't seen either one for quite some time before they died.

  8. Yes, by using the Ouija board. It is not safe though. Bad spirits can get in it and house in your home. If you want to try it, play outside the house.

  9. Yes, I ask them to send me nickles, dimes, and pennys.

    You know how you find pocket change.  I ask them to send me change when they are watching over me.

  10. The last word to my father just before he passed away were "I love you."  Two nights after he left us, I woke to  feel his hand in mine.  The room was very bright & he told me not to open my eyes.  He also said, "I love you too, Baby."  I'll never forget it.

  11. it was a dream

  12. Yes, but it wasn't somebody who had passed away, it was an angel. An Archangel to be more presice.

    I had a conversation with and angel in my head, telepathically, he told me his name, Raphael, and that he had been with me since i was born.

    The next day I went to the library to research, and there I found out that Raphael is one of the Archangels and he helps people with healing and travelling safetly.

    This completely changed my outlook on life, as something like this had never happened to me. I'm sure if it happened to you, it would alter how you saw things too.

    Love and Light

    Cosmic Angel

  13. no I can't say that I have

  14. I'm not sure if this counts but I had a dream of my grandmother a year after she passed away and she told me to stay away from my current boyfriend and that he was no good. I didn't listen b/c it was just a dream but she ended up being right...he was a total loser.

  15. Both my Mom and my Dad have sent "signs" that could only have been from them.

    Right after Mom died, a beautiful iris flower bloomed right under my bedroom window.  I nor anyone else planted any iris or any other plant there.  Iris is my absolute favorite flower.

    For Christmas, I wanted a small perfume funnel to go with a gift to my daughter.  While going through some of Mom's things, a small perfume funnel fell out of a bag I was going to throw away.  

    After Daddy died, a cardninal kept flying into my patio doors.  This went on for days.  I finally opened the doors one day, and it flew into my kitchen and sat on a chair.  I had to shoo it back outside.  I tried to look up some way to stop it on the internet,and found out that it is an old Cajun belief that deceased loved ones appear as red birds after they die.  My Dad was a Cajun, but I had never heard of this belief.  The cardinal never returned.

    There are lots of other interesting things over the years.

  16. Yes...A lot of things happened...but I'm not sure which one was who. I wish my dog would give me some sign that she's ok. (I'm saying this so that maybe she will after she reads this! lol...well ..somebody could read it to KNOW dogs can talk in Heaven!!! lol)(maybe they can't read..but they can talk!!)(How do I know? Because I said so...that's how!!!!)lol

  17. No, I can't say that I have.

  18. No, God says in the bible you aren't able to communicate with the dead. :)

  19. Sure, read my book. In my profile.

  20. Yes, many times..I guess that comes with being sensitive to the paranormal.  It can be

  21. Yes I had a dream that I was talking to my grandmother and I asked her if she wanted to come back home with me and she said "nope I perfectly happy where I am" I was crushed that she turned me down like that but it turned out that she was safe and sound from any suffering so I am glad she isn't suffering anymore.

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