
Have you ever had a spiritual experience on drugs?

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This video is 12 min. long. He tells his experience while on marijuana but doesn't believe it was connected to the marijuana. Please tell your experience if you had one similar to his.




  1. absolutely grass and lsd can certainly give you that feeling that

    all is god

    especially if you have that philosophy in your unconscious mind however if you r an athiest its quite unlikely you would have a religious experience but certainly a profound one .

    ive experienced the ALL IS GOD  on drugs but i was immersed in the readings of aldous huxley and ram dass at the time so im sure i was influenced more by what i was reading but i think the drug made the philosophy take hold of me ...

  2. TFTM Deenie.  ;)

  3. Drugs will block ones perception of the paranormal. Marijuana will at no time ever cause a person to hallucinate! Canabinoid receptors do not work in such a fashion.

  4. Most people I know who have done cannabis will admit to having something approaching a spiritual experience with it. They tend to be predisposed toward it. Yes there are demons within us all, which is where they are under control. We cannot allow them out.

  5. Hi Deenie, my job blocks that website..unfortunately. However, I have personal experience with what you are asking. It is possible to have spiritual experiences while on drugs...even if they aren't hallucinogens.

    Basically, when you do drugs, your crown chakra gets blasted wide open. It also damages your own protective field, that allows each of us to operate as a spirit in a physical body and physical world. In other words, we are purposely shielded at birth from the spiritual realm in many ways, some of us more than others. That's so that it is easier for us to live in the physical realm.

    Many drug addicts talk a lot about being haunted by ghosts or that demons are chasing them. This isn't because they are hallucinating (in some cases I'm sure they are), a lot of times it's because they have done so much damage to their crown chakra and aura, that what is normally a mystery or unknown, becomes apparent, like the physical world. Their protection field is deteriorated and they aren't protected anymore. Basically, anything can mess with them.

    That is when drugs are abused though.

    This is why the Native Americans use rituals and protection before partaking in mind altering drugs/herbs because they can safely open themselves to the experience without letting everything in, including the negative stuff.


    BTW, without seeing the video, it's my guess that although the guy says that the pot had nothing to do with it, he's probably just shying away from that because he wants people to take him seriously and not just think he was trippin.  ;)

    I am sure that at the least, the pot put him into a meditative state and opened him to having a spiritual experience.

  6. I've done shrooms a few times, and each time I felt one with the universe.  It made me cry for joy, and the love I felt was almost overwhelming.  It was the most incredible, beautiful experience I could imagine.  I'm thinking it must be like the feeling of dying and going to heaven to experience that feeling of love on earth.  It was absolutely awesome.

    I'm a regular pot smoker, and never experienced anything like that with just pot.

  7. I have done more drugs than I wish to admit. As for weed, no it does not make you hallucinate, at least not me.

    Those demons you speak of are demons from within, drugs bring out the worst of one's self, a side you never knew existed.

  8. Hi Deenie,

    I think we both know that it's blatantly obvious some of these YA posters are still having 'spiritual' experiences on drugs! I'm just surprised that nobody's yet answered.

    If they aren't on drugs, I'd strongly suggest they try some haha ; )

  9. Actually, prolonged use of marijuana has been known to cause hallucinations in people who are predisposed to schizotypal disorders. This could conceivably be dismissed in that way, but he'd have to be able to pass a psychological test.

    Never had an experience like this myself. Guess I just didn't abuse my prescriptions enough.

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