
Have you ever had a strange experience involving another dimension or time travel?

by Guest61515  |  earlier

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Have you ever had a strange experience involving another dimension or time travel?




  1. Not yet, ask me again yesterday.

  2. When things go worse artificially I feel if somehow I am in not my reality /as time/ and immediately I  change  something in previous plans for the moment even very small as getting at previous station of bus and walking  some minutes more. This works - even I get in my time Matrix.

  3. Yes i have with both, many years ago in Italy. Its only recently that im learning of time loops that are quite common in Italy, as well as many other strange occurences.

  4. Only when i fly against the earths rotation :) :)

  5. All the time

  6. Yeah one time I crossed the international date line and went backwards 1 day. It was pretty trippy living in the past. 1.21GIGAWATTS

  7. What other dimension exactly?

    I time travel constrantly--forward at one second per second.

  8. Not usually. But there are sometimes when logic is bent.

  9. yeah i hav i was drivn my deloreon 1 day and wen i hit 88miles i done a flaming burnout and went back in time

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