
Have you ever had a struggling period?

by  |  earlier

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I took an HPT Sunday before last (not yesterday) and it came back negative. 2 days later AF started but it was just brown discharge. Now I'm still having this brown (sometimes slightly red) discharge and it seems really weird to me. I passed a clot or two nothing large like a traditional period. I can't really figure out what's going on... has anyone else had something similar to this? Most of the time the discharge doesn't reach my underwear and sometimes it's not there when I wipe. This struggling period is really strange. Just wanted to see if anyone else has ever encountered this.

I know some of you will say go to a doctor and I definitely plan on it... but in the meantime I would like too see if anyone else can help explain this. Thanks in advance!




  1. i did but it only occured when i got off the pill and it lasted for about a month.

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