
Have you ever had a summer romance/love?

by Guest56287  |  earlier

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& you thought you were deeply in love and when school started again, feelings changed and you don't feel the same. Is this because you felt more lust for one another? I'm 16 and my bf is 17 and we've been going out since last month. Something deep inside me feels different towards him, I love him though. When school starts I know things are going to be different since I don't really socialize in school and he actually has a gang he hangs with.




  1. even though im still 14, me and my bf always meet and that when school has finished and on week-ends, we save school for mates. it works out perfect!! :D

  2. I had a summer romance when I went to Turkey. But after one week that I came back, I did not feel the same. And it`s been a year since I went there and he STILL writes me and calls me rarely, but I really have no desire to talk to him. And he still have a hope. But I find it stupid, because he knew me not more then for 2 weeks.

    But in your case it could be complitely defferent. Or may be not ;) You`ll only see it with time.

  3. When you truely love someone then your feelings do not change when you go back to school...  When I was in highschool I had a few boyfriends and I thought that I loved them more than anything, until this or that happened.  Highschool relationships are hard and confusing, esp. with all the hormones envolved and it is always nice to feel a connection with someone.  But if things change just because you are going back to school in the fall then it is more than likely a fling that was a lot fun but is over now.

  4. theres nothing wrong with a summer romance. but i dont really think that there is such thing as a summer LOVE. you're still young, there are more guys in the future. dont be stuck thinking that you love when guy, when actually you dont.

    if you stick together even when school starts, then its different. give yourselves a shot.

    summer romance is fun, especially when your young. its an adventure, yes. but dont get too attached, youll just break your own heart.

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