
Have you ever had a supernatural experience before?

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Have you ever had a supernatural experience before?




  1. Not at the moment, THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Yes many since I was a child.  Some were quite bothering, but most weren't.

  3. Yes quite often.  Were you looking for a specific type of experience?

  4. yes I had one.

  5. I haven't had any such Paranormal Experience yet and I hope I don't experience it, either. ~:-o>>

  6. I was home alone on Easter. It was bright in my room and it was sunny out. My room and the hallway were well lit up with light. I was sitting on my bed with my laptop in my lap and my tv was on but i had the sound off. I was listening to my iPod. The door to my room is on my right when im on my bed. I can see the door to my parents room and part of the hallway. All of a sudden out of the corner of my eyes I see this dark shadow figure pass by my room and go into my parents room. Before my brain even registered that i was seeing something, before my head even finished turning towards it, i got this unexplainable chill feeling throughout my whole body. I had never felt anything like it before. I was frozen for a minute. I felt 100% sure that i had seen "something". I don't know how to explain why I am so sure but i am. I got up and walked and peeked into my parents room and no one was there. It wasn't my dog, it wasn't a shadow from a passing car cuz my house isn't shaped like that. This happened on the second floor so its not like someone was walking past a window or strange.

    Another time I was lying in bed and i was awake with my eyes closed and just thinking about stuff and i felt three fingertips touch my hip and slowly slide back about 2-3 inches then disappeared. I froze again for a minute. Then i reached over and grabbed my remote and turned the tv on to fill the room with light and there was nothing there. Believe me i kept the tv on for the rest of the night..

  7. Hundreds and seen thousands more.

    Let me add an explanation. I consider "Remote Viewing" to be paranormal. I've done hundreds of excellent sessions and have seen thousands of sessions done by others.

  8. No.  As a child I lived in a cemetary.  My father was a funeral director and one of the perks of his employment was living in a house in the cemetary. (We didn't get a lot of trick or treaters on Halloween)  I also worked in a different funeral home in another city for a year my first year of college.  I worked nights, alone, around literally hundreds of cadavers, in a morgue/funeral home environment, and nothing.  Which is not to say that supernatural experiences don't happen, but if they were as common as people want to believe, wouldn't I be in a better position than most to have some sort of experience?

  9. I've been in search of one. I have investigated the haunted Queen Mary a couple of times and had a few odd experiences but nothing I can definitively classify as being paranormal or definitely not of this reality but interesting none the less.

  10. Yes levitation on several occasions.

  11. I had small paronormal experiences from time to time, not that convincing, but still paronormal. I TRY to have strong paronomral experinces but it all takes time,will,dedication,practice,belief, to have one.

  12. Yes, many.  Being the Doctor and all.  I have had many...many experiences with ghosts and spirits.  I have also had encounters with witches(both nice and mean)  can you be a bit more specific?

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