
Have you ever had a teacher who read notes passed in class? What was on the note?

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My fifth grade teacher confiscated and read the note I was giving to a friend, it had notes for a English test on it and she read it aloud. It was pretty amusing. Anybody else have amusing stories about teachers?




  1. No, but in 7th grade, some idiots were passing notes all across the classroom, and bassically, if you didn't pass their notes, you'd be deemed uncool and a baby. So I went along, and passed the notes where told to, and then at one point I must've had about seven different notes in my hand, and the teacher came and took them from me and I got in trouble for it. But then the next day, the popular idiots fessed up.. because they knew I'd never do something like that and well, I'd always been nice to them.

  2. Lol yeah, most of teachers now read them. They think that since we are in high school that we should be over the 'note passing' stage.

    I felt really bad for one kid. She was passing a note to her friend when the teacher grabbed it. Without thinking he read it. It said something lie this 'So do you think So-and-So likes me? Do you think I should ask him out?' Turned out that the boy didn't like her more than a friend. She left the room crying.

    But then again, you should be smart enough to wait until the teacher is not around to do things like that!

  3. oh yeah, I had a teacher who would get the people passing the notes to stand up in front of the class and read the letter as if it were a conversation. LOL. If it was unclear what they were talking about, she had them explain it. She was kinda rough.

  4. Last year my best friend and I got separated for talking so she got moved to the corner. I got a big piece of paper and wrote on it it " HI! HOWS THE CORNER?" and I held it up when the teacher turned to write on the board.

    She responded by waving and shrugging.

    I kept adding little bits of nonsense to it like how the weather was and then suddenly the teacher yelled at me to get out into the hall and to leave the paper behind. I was surprised because I had never gotten in trouble like this before, but I was also trying hard not to laugh at the situation. the teacher came out and was reading the paper and trying REALLY hard not to laugh, making his moustache twitch.

    He said that I had to do detention that day, 1 minute for each word I had written.

    I showed up at lunch but he was cool about it and I only had to sit around for about 15 minutes watching the band rehearsal, which wasn't too bad.

    Good times.

  5. no. we don't pass notes, we text

  6. well, I was passing notes with this boy one time. (I'm a girl) I didn't like him or anything, but I was just bored during class, so we talked about random stuff, nothing personal...Then some immature kid snatched the note out of my hands and started running around the classroom chanting "_____ is passing love notes with ______"...I didn't get in trouble or have to read it, but it was still pretty humiliating...6th grade...haha, now I laugh about it...good times, good times...

  7. ahah yeah my teacher last year did that

    and he ALWAYS caught me and my bestie passing notes

    and omg.

    lmfao the whole class would be cracking up

    we were either talking about something completely random or guys we thought were s**y lol

    and as if that wasnt bad enough, after he read it to the class he would post it on the bullitin board outside the classroom so every kid in the school could walk by and read it lmfao

  8. hah last year in 7th grade me and my friends were fooling around and writing "she" loves "him" on notes (well with names,) so one of them was a really good one of my guy friends and one of my best friends who had a bf at the time..haha my teacher got it and read out to the class " Chanelle Loves Pat" ..."Chanelle, aren;t you with Erik? what happend?"   my friends wer so embarrased even if it was just a joke.

  9. several teachers do it.sometime,it helps one to be conscious of what one is writing at any point in time.

  10. my teacher reads them out 2. pretty c**p if ur tryin to arange something :)

  11. Noooo.

  12. In eighth grade, my teach caught me passing a note back to my best friend, Carrie.

    She took it and read,

    Carrie says 'Promise you won't tell anyone that I like Drew?  I am going to ask him out at the party this weekend and I want it to be a surprise!'

    Lisi says 'I won't tell if you won't tell that I like Simon!  He is so cute!  Do you think that I should ask him out then too?'

    Then Simon said, "EW NO!"

    ANd I was so embarrassed, but it was really funny!

    The thing was that Drew ended up asking Carrie out right after class and they got married in college!  I was so SHOCKED!

  13. omg YEA, my teacher took my note, showed other teachers,then gave it to the priciple. it said "did marshall finger you?"

    haha it was awful. the principle was like "im gonna have to tell ur mom your doing this in school!"....

  14. haha my 7th grade teacher took the note me and my best friend were passing back and forth, and it said how in love my best friend was with the teacher (it was a guy). it was soooo funny!!! lol.

  15. Hahahaha!! Umm yeah..once I was writing a note to my bf and  and my teacher was the best!! He really didn't care what you did..he was totally the bomb!! Anyways..he joked around and everything..but he snatched the note I was writing and I told him that he could read it if it was he So I told him that it was to him (kidding) and then he showed my base teacher. And my base teacher HATED us writing Anyways..after that..all the other classes were coming out to get their stuff for the next class..and Steffen was coming out of his, and my teacher shouted across the hall "do you want me to give it to him, or do you want to?" Andd omg..I was so embaressed, but I said "thanks but i think I can handle it" lmao!! It was so should've been there!! ;o)

  16. it was in year 7 and me and my best mate fell out so we wrote a note to each other to be friends and the last bit said ok piggy piggy and the teacher read the whole thing and when he said piggy piggy everyone burst out laughing

  17. Oh yeah, in Geography once we had a sub, and we were writing notes about random rubbish and someone wrote (it wasn't me!!) that the person teaching us was rubbish and probably didn't know anything about geography and he got hold of it and read it out!! We all had to stay behind after class for 30mins for the person to own up, eventually someone did (they didn't do it they just wanted to get outta there!)

    It was soooo funny but we got in so much trouble!!

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