
Have you ever had a weird experience with a ouija board?

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If you have just tell me what happened and I will give the best answer to the weirdest experience.




  1. They are fake!

  2. me and some of my friends were camping before and we had a ougij bored and it told us that people were at the camp and there was a guy with a machete there and it told us that like a bunch of us had stalkers and  other people that were there but anyways about the guy with the machete it said that he was in the woods well we had to go outside of the cabin for some reason and we were so scared and all walking sided by side and then we swear we saw a guy running in the woods with a machete so we all started yelling and running and now we are always pertrified when we have to go outside at night at that camp.

  3. I had an experiance when me and a friend threw out a ouija board and it came back to his house the next night. we threw it in the dumpster and he stayed the night at my house when this happend

  4. Yes, my sister and I used one while we were in the same room as one of my friends Scott.  We asked it some questions that only Scott knew the answer to, and it was correct on all the answers.  Weird part is that he wasn't even playing it, he was just in the same room and told my sister and me to ask it.

  5. No but sister did when she was a teenager, she's told me her experiance. when her and her friends were having a sleeepover they turned out all the lights, lit some candles and started playing with a ouija board. After about the 3rd question it wasn't even giving them answers to their questions it was saying stuff like "you'll die tomorrow!" and "Go kill yourself!" it started scaring all of them and they let go of the pointer, then the pointer suddenly started to jerk around rapidly and all the candles blew out! My sister threw it in the closet and never took it out, but from that night on she felt like their was a heavey whight on her sholders she was always depressed so she took it out and threw it away on trash day. The next morning it was out on the lawn so she burned it and buried the ashes at the hunting camp an hour drive from our house as soon as she left the camp the whight lifted and she felt better than she ever had those 2 months. and this all happened about 10 years ago so that's a myth about dieing in 36 hrs after burning a board.

    I live in Louisiana (The most hanted state in the USA) and I've had my share of haunting and I know a great deal about ouija boards and I know to stay away from them!!! They act like portals to the spirit world. when you use a ouija board you might as well put out a welcome mat for any spirit to come through good or bad even demons! If you ask me they all need to be burned and never used again!!! PLEASE, PLEASE, STAY AWAY FROM OUIJA BOARDS!!!

  6. me and a bunch of friends used one once and the basment door slammed by it self. then a little while later a girl who was over went started crying when we went to close teh board, she was like no no dont youl hurt him youl hurt him, not sure who him was. needless to say we burned it and the chick passed out and woke up with out remembering anything. I will never touch one agian!!

  7. We had 6 poeple in a room and asked for a sign, and the lights went out.  Freaked us out.

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