
Have you ever had acupuncture? do they do exrays first?whats the procedure?

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Have you ever had acupuncture? do they do exrays first?whats the procedure?




  1. I do acupuncture once a week.  They do not do X-Rays first.  Basically, she talks to me about what I want to get out of acupuncture, and then she leaves the room, i undress (I keep on my bra and underwear, and sometimes a tank top) I lie down on the table, she comes back in, cleans with alcohol the spots she is going to place needles, and then inserts about 8-10 needles in various locations.  Sometimes she has me lay face up, sometimes face down.

    For the most part it is painless, sometimes you do feel the needles going in, but they are significantly thinner than any needle you have ever seen at a doctors office.  Some spots are more sensitive than others, and some you do not feel at all.  

    After the needles are in, she puts soft music on, and I relax for about 20-30 minutes, then she comes back in, removes the needles, and gives a basic massage to my legs and upper back.

    I love it, it gives me a great feeling of wellbeing, lots of energy, and makes me feel calm and relaxed.  I would definitely recommend it!

  2. No they don't do xrays first ...They stick you with needles !

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