
Have you ever had an abortion?

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What I'm wondering is that if you had an abortion is what your reasons were and if anyone (doctors, coworkers, friends, and family included) pressured you in one direction or another, or gave you a hard time over your choice.




  1. I had an abortion because I didn't want to have a child.  Neither did my boyfriend (now my husband).  There was no pressure and nobody gave me a hard time, except the protesters outside the clinic threatening to kill us all.  This was in the 1980s, when clinics were bombed fairly regularly.  The one I went to had been firebombed a few months earlier but the damage was minimal.

  2. No. I never intend to have s*x. Ever. At least not in the next 15 years.

  3. No, but my grandmother did. She and her husband (a librarian and an engineer, respectively, in the USSR) were barely making enough money to support themselves and one child (my mom), so she didn't see any other way out of it.

  4. Yes, two.  Poverty and the prospect of single parenthood will do that.  The sperm donor's primary concern was "don't ruin my career".  The second guy I didn't even bother to tell.

  5. hey, I had one four years ago. I was engaged, and I really did love my boyfriend. When I became pregnant while on contraception however, my feelings changed dramatically. I didn´t know I was pregnant, and I was really horrible to him. We split up before I found out, and when I eventually realised I was terrified.

    I didn´t want to be a single mother, and I´d been abused by my mother when I was a child. I was scared that I would hurt my child in some way. I didn´t want to repeat the cycle of abuse.

    I had the abortion, nobody pressured me into anything, and I honestly have never regretted it.

    As soon as my hormones were back to normal, I realised that I had been way too young, with no security and I don´t think I was responsible then. Even now, four years after, I still think I made the right choice. And the thought of being a mother scares the h**l out of me.  

  6. No, but many years ago I thought I was pregnant.  Until it was definitely established that I wasn't, I worried myself sick over what I would do.  I was glad that I had a choice.  The idiot I was with at the time thought I was trying to trap him, so I got rid of him.  I didn't tell anyone else until I was sure and by then it was moot.

    Someone very close to me has had two abortions, but I didn't know until long afterwards.  She made her decision with her boyfriend, now her husband, and they are very much at peace.

  7. Nope, no pressure, we came to the decision(s) ourselves.

  8. No, but a couple of my friends have. The main factor in their decisions was lack of support from the father... one of them was really pleased to be pregnant, but she couldn't afford to raise the baby alone. I've also heard that doctors will encourage abortion as the best option if the baby has a medical condition, but I don't have any personal experience of that.

  9. No. I had family members that tried to talk me into it (I think they know how big a loss that would've been now)

  10. I'm not sure...ok I know this may sound a strange answer but I thought I was pregnant once, my hubby and I certainly don't want kids period, and even if we did want children there's no way in h**l I'd go through childbirth. So straight away we were thinking of booking the appointment in the week. But I had read about natural forms of abortion which women had been practicing for centuires so I tried using neem leaves and parsely and within the day my menstruation had come.

    I would prefer to try the natural methods before the embarassment of going to a clinic and having to pay.

  11. I have never had an abortion.

    My boyfriend and I have not had s*x yet and probably won't for some time, but we've discussed it and although we are going to use the "buddy system" of birth control (Spermicidal condom and the Pill), if by some ridiculous chance I were to get pregnant abortion would be the only thing that would work for us right now.

    Neither of us wants a child and neither can afford one without our parents' involvement, which is not a very good way to raise a child. We both intend to pursue higher education and don't know where our futures will take us, so I don't even know where our relationship will be next year if it does continue.

    As for adoption, I am against putting a child up for adoption because there are already so many children without homes. I also would not want a child showing up on my doorstep years later when I've got a new life and a new family. But I do intend to adopt a child when I am at a point in my life where I am emotionally and financially ready for one.

    Sorry I couldn't answer your question better, since I haven't had one... But I'd rather wait until I"m at least in my 20s to have kids.

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