
Have you ever had an accident at school?

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I had a bathroom emergency at school today. My teacher wouldn't let me go. It got to the point where I needed to go so badly I started crying. That was when she told me to just go, so I did. I almost made it out of the classroom, but had an accident and made a puddle on the floor. I am completely humiliated and everyone is teasing me. Has this ever happened to anyone? How should I deal with it?




  1. oh, yeah that has happened to me, three times, 11 yrs. old, 7 yrs., and 6 yrs. the first time, i was 6 and i *number 2'ed* in my pants, because some teacher wouldn't let me go because it was only "5" minutes until the bell (i timed the clock and saw it was 20 minutes! DANG YOU TEACHER!) and so i had to call my pops and he gave me new clothes. 7 yrs. old was really dumb, i made a puddle on the blacktop, my friends came, asked me what was that, and i told them it was lemonade. (dumb friends, i made smarter friends after that.) 11 yrs. old was SO hard cuz half the middle school already thought i was a dork, so i had dhiarrhea and pooed my pants. a good way to conceal it is to wrap toilet paper around and around until its covered up all the mess area. if it happens, tell anyone who bothers you that you've probably done that too, doesn't matter if it was when you were younger, but everyone's gonna make mistakes like that! better now than when your a senior in high school! or maybe tell them it's lemonade`~ ha j/k

  2. you know what this is stupid that the teacher did not let you go, they always tell the kids that bathroom breaks are privileges no rights. you know what if your bladder explodes you can sue them and sue them b******s good

  3. people forget about that stuff within a month.  don't worry about it.  i vomitted in a classroom before and got teased, but in the end of the month, no one cared - it was old news.

  4. I would have your mother or father call the teacher or even the principal.  A teacher should always let someone go to the bathroom.

  5. in like 1st grade..sue the teacher haha lol

  6. Next time just leave and go dont listen to what the teacher say if it is an emergenca.

  7. um how old r u?

  8. Yes I have.

    The last time I had an accident in school was in the third grade.

  9. well you could tell them that it was not your fault and tell them, that the teacher would not let you go! or bring up there embarrasing moments. or tell them to shut up! yeah thats happened before, and i just tried to clean up as much as possible.

  10. Never happened to me but it happened to my friend because the principal wouldn't let her use the bathroom. She was one of those people who didn't really care because it was beyond her control so I don't know what to say to help you.I guess you can wait it out though: yesterday's gossip is today's garbage. If they really dwell on it then they are a sad bunch of kids.

  11. it happened to me in like kindergarten!!!  jus deal wit it you'll be mr. pee pee pants for a couple years so what

  12. Class was over. I think it was in third grade. We stood up from our desks, and almost immediately I puked, right on the shoes of the kid who sat in front of me. I didn't feel sick or anything. It was sudden, and just very weird. I felt awful about it, and he really handled it well and was nice about the whole incident. It was so embarrassing!

  13. OMG yess im 12 too and a girl! it is soo not fair because teachers will not let u go to the bathroom. not too long ago i had to use the bathroom really bad but the teacher would not let me goo! then i pe-ed in my pants. So yes this has happened to me. U should deal with it by telling those kids they need to stop thats what i did. after a week they'll stop. I feel for u! I told the kids to shut up and i got to the point of telling a teacher but didnt. then it just kind of stopped on its own. i hope i helped. i hope that they will quit for u. ive been there too

  14. Nothing aggrivates me more than a teacher not letting a child go to the bathroom when they need to go . I think that it is a terrible thing to do to someone. It is not only embarrassing but painful to have waited that long. I would hope that your parents would go up to the school and tell that teacher off. Tell the admin. and the board of ed. I am sorry that happened to you because now all the thoughtless children in your class think that they have something to say about it.

  15. Sorry that you had an accident at school.  I can only imagine how embarrassing peeing your pants must have been, especially when it was not your fault - try not to let it bother you.  People may laugh at you today, but in a day or two, most will feel sorry for you.  If anyone still teases you, tell them to shut up and walk away.  The less they see it bothers you, the sooner they'll quit teasing you.

    I don't know why some teachers don't allow students to go to the bathroom, especially when they have to go really bad.  I'm a teacher, and I always allow a student to go to the bathroom when they ask.  I know if my denial ever caused a twelve year old girl to pee her pants in class, I'd never forgive myself.  But that's just me.

  16. Sue the teacher.. get back at her jk dont do that just like go wit it and dont get revenge unless its personal. No its never happened to me i had cool teachers.. well atleast i dont remember

  17. yep 5th grade.....I rly needed t use the restroom....#2.....and I asked the teacher if I could go....she said not until I was done with the test......and right before I finished the decided to come out.....luckily no-one found out and when I turned in the test a couple seconds later.....I ran to the restroom and went in the stall too see how bad it was.....I was only they were plain white briefs still...I thought they were ruined so, I jut cleaned myself off and threw the undies away under a whole bunch of paper ever found out.....and i am soo glad

    EDIT: Why the thumbs down..

  18. What grade are you in? IM a freshman but I think you should say that it was all a joke and that you had a squirty thing or something to make the people think you really did it. Pretend it was all a joke.

  19. DUUUUUUUUUDE!!!!!!!

    Teachers are such losers sometimes.

    Like mean teachers. but but but,

    bro, don't worry about what opther people think of you. it doesn't really matter the ones who are being a******s towards you don't really have anything to do with you, and it's not like you're going to see them later in life. Don't let it hold you down man, who really cares?

    You fall wooooooooooooooooow, big friggin deallllllllllll.

    What no one ever fell?. they're all losers who cares.

    Anyways you're teacher that didn't let you go is ... i won't say it maybe she has this account to talk to her little teacher buds.

    But anyways don't worry man-it's not like you did something wrong.., and worse comes to worse if you really see these people 15 years from now in a grocery store or something, throw them a tomatoe and run!


    Good luck, bro

  20. Explain to your parents what happened...just exactly the way you put it here.  Your parents should talk to the principle about what the teacher did.  Teachers should not deny a student using the bathroom.  Your teacher will likely be in trouble for this.

    Yeah, its embarrassing but you could not help it.  The next time, I think I would just get up and walk out if you really need to go.  If the teacher sends you to the principle for it, there is nothing they can say.  Dont worry, everyone will forget this in about a week or two.  Just ride it out.

  21. No, it has never happend to me ..maybe you have a weak bladder , you should see your doctor if you have a hard time holding your bladder , would be a very embarasing situation ..the best i can suggest to deal with it is to just ignore anyone who makes jokes and get on with the day ...if you ignor everyone they will see no point and move on then forget about it

    good luck

  22. What grade are you in?

    It happened to my boyfriend, Ryan, in first grade. Everyone has gotten over it. The people who tease you are being immature.

  23. d**n.. I feel really sorry for you.

    I beat that d**n teacher up. j/k

  24. its cool man im 12 to but yea its not your faulkt she wudent let you go tell the principale to get back at her >;)

  25. Yes,(in like kindergarten though) teachers should never be able to deny you going to the bathroom, if you have to go, just go, its terrible that they do this it should be against the law.

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