
Have you ever had an affair?

by  |  earlier

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Was it because you were curious, or needed more physical contact, or emotional contact? Am in a very cold relationship and wonder what leads to having an affair. I haven't had one, but I think I can understand what causes them.




  1. Never have!  Never will!

  2. yes I have with a man I knew for a long time. I was married and very unhappy he was married and very unhappy so we hooked up every weekend all weekend :) we had a lot of fun together but he also went back home, as did I we quit talking for a while. Then one night I called him he came over we hooked up and he hasn't left my side since we have been together for five years and yes we divorced the others and got married.

  3. No, never had an affair in a 20 year marriage, though, had ample opportunities.  Marriage needs to be cherished, and, betrayal of a spouse is detestable and makes a mockery of a marriage.  

  4. I have never had a physical affair. When me and my hubby were seperated(in the early yrs of our marriage) I did get alittle closer to a guy I had worked than I should have with but never ever crossed the line physically. We were seperated and although we were planning on getting back together I was very very hurt by some things he was still doing and turned to this other guy who gave me attention. I dont think affairs are the right way to go. If you are so unhappy in your relationship then it may be time to move on or try to fix what is wrong. But trust me if both you and your partner are not willing to change and work on things IT WILL NOT WORK no matter how much you may want it to.

  5. I have come close, but haven't done it yet.

  6. nope,if I was ever unhappy to the point that I wanted to look elsewhere I would leave,don't start another relationship before ending the first.

  7. Never have. Just lusted in my heart like President Jimmy Carter described in Playboy magazine.

  8. I've never had one, but I understand what triggers them some of the time.  People need to feel like they are part of a marriage.  That means talking with each other, dating, love and affection.  People NEED those things.  If they go long enough without emotional/physical support they start looking for it elsewhere.

  9. No I haven't had an affair. Your on the right track though. I guess it's love or the feeling of love most are after. When it fizzles you look out side the box. Just remember that the good stuff is in the box. Try to restart that old flame again. It might burn hotter and heavier than before.  

  10. Never had one, but if you're having problems in your relationship, why don't you just end it and then find someone else who treats you better instead of cheating?

  11. well yes i have. I am not married but i do have a bf and yes i have cheated on him. The reason is cause he is on medications and dont have a s*x drive! He dont give me no s*x, attention, or emotional attention. So yes u are right usually those are the triggers that cause them and to look for someone else that can help u with that stuff!

    I would sit and chat with her first to see if she can provide u with this stuff before u cheat!  

  12. Nope never had an affair and I never would. If I seriously felt me and my husband had THAT terrible of a marriage that I had to get it from someone else I'd be honest with him. I say this b/c I once dated a guy I was head over heels for and he cheated on me and broke my heart. It was the WORST feeling and I couldn't imagine doing that to someone else especially someone I love so dearly!

  13. I don't see the point of one.  If you really need to be with someone else, why not end the relationship?

  14. yes, i had an affair after seperating from my 1st husband after he told me about him and his fifteen year old stripper/roomate.

  15. Nope but I sure have looked and I never plan to pursue it beyond that point

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