
Have you ever had an affair with a married man and he dropped you like a hot potato?

by  |  earlier

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If so,how long did it took you to get over it ?

Was was his reasons ?




  1. Nope, but he probably dropped you because he just wanted the "this is so wrong but it feels so right o****m". He'd dropped ya because he has too much at stake.

  2. No but I once had a one night stand with a man who was separated from his wife. It was awesome, the fear of getting caught.....knowing your doing something wrong and the adrenaline rush of getting away with it.

  3. No. I don't have affairs with married men.

    His reasons...well, men that have affairs usually don't want to leave their wives. They are either perpetual cheaters or made a horrible mistake.

  4. No because I have class and I don't mess around with married men. His reasons, hmm...maybe because he's MARRIED? Yanno, that thing that two people do when they decide to commit and be faithful to one another.

  5. No, that has never happened to me.

    Do yourself a favor - stay away from married men and you won't have to go through the heartache of getting over it. Find someone single and available. Messing with another woman's husband is never a good thing...

  6. Well thats what usually happens when you mess with a married man what did you expect him to do divorce her and be wit you? De-De-Dee

  7. Well, let's think about this... If one decides to *not* be a homewrecker, she wouldn't have to worry about getting "dropped like a hot potato" (surely for the family he already has), nor would she have to worry about "getting over it".

  8. um no cause he is wed he made his choise so obviously he will dump you

    you never had him so cant really loose him

    and could be a number of things like fear of his wife finding out

    i just dont get why people think dating someone who is married is a good idea

  9. NOPE

  10. thats disgusting

    i hope his wife dropped him too

  11. No.

    But he did drop his (now, ex) wife.

  12. Nope.

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