
Have you ever had an epiphany towards a subject you couldn't comprehend?

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Epiphany - the sudden realization or comprehension of the essence or meaning of something




  1. If I could not comprehend it I do not think it would be an epiphany.

  2. This epiphany you speak of.... still eludes me in Meteorology class.

  3. chemistry--- i would suddenly understand the concepts at a microscopic level--- i could picture things and imagine how they worked but i was an absolute failure at working the math, therefore i didnt comprehend chemistry, although i had plenty of epiphanies (so did my  best friend)

  4. Of course. Whenever all the pieces finally click into place you realize what the meaning is. Some things take longer to learn than others. Its amazing when you have such a realization years later and something you just could not figure out before suddenly falls into place in your head and is so clear.


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