
Have you ever had an experience with the Paranormal, and want the world to know?

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'Your Story' is a new Channel set up in order to find out about your experiences with the Paranormal, if you had an experience with any of the following, or you know of someone who may have had a brush with the Paranormal, please do not refrain from e-mailing us at any time, on the following address:


Included are as follows:

1. Ghost

2. Poltergeist

3. Odd feeling

4. strange smell

5. Feeling of someone else their

6. Hear footsteps, screaming etc.

7. Anything else you think paranormal.

- If you have a honest TRUE story, share it, your work will be written up in a nice book, and you will recieve a copy of it in the e-mail system.

NOTE: You can also answer to this question providing your story.

!We ask you to provide a name, and country!




  1. I have had experiences. i do share my experiences, but I usually don't go out of my way to share.


  2. heidi UK

    i'm a paranormal investigator & in the last year, I've only experienced the paranormal once.

    In a bell tower of an 'old' church in North Pickenham, i saw an 'orb' with my naked eye!!!

    funny thing was it was witnessed by someone else at exactly the same time & we described it & its behaviour in the same way

  3. I don't know what to qualify this as, but here goes. I had an experience while working in downtown Chicago a few years back. I logged a lot of overtime on weekends and after hours. I often took 10-15 minute breaks outside. It was usually late when I did this in the alley next to the building where I worked. While sitting on a high curb I noticed a rather tall, thin man wearing a top hat and dated suit standing across the street. He was perfectly still, staring in my direction. As I stood to walk back to work, he dissappeared. Later, while leaving for home, I saw a group of men in the same alley securing a scaffolding rack. They told me it had broken loose from several stories above. I didn't think anything of this until two weeks later. I was crossing a busy street just a couple blocks from work and saw him across the way once more. I stopped in my tracks and was almost hit by a bus speeding through the stoplight. He was pale white and seemed upset that it missed me. When the bus zipped by, he was gone. I left that job a month later. Working late at my new employer, I had to stand on a train platform. A threesome of thugs made their way toward me. I opted to catch the next train to avoid trouble despite that it would make me late in arriving home. After I exited the train to transfer to the right one, I had a feeling to look back. The man in the top hat was standing by the inside train door and doffed his cap as he rode by. I haven't seen him in recent years, but overheard a couple of guys talking about "messengers of death" the other day. They said these were very persistent in pursueing a desired subject.

    P.S.: I have had two other experiences with the paranormal/unexplained in my lifetime as well. Maybe this is why I have devoted much of my spare time over the years to developing stories of the same ilk.

  4. I have had experiences, but i do not care if anyone knows. I am not a glory hound

  5. I already tried to tell EVERYBODY IN THE WHOLE WIDE wouldn't believe what they did to me! No, thanks!

  6. Yes in 2006 and I had at least 4 witnesses of which 2 are still alive to testify.

    My friend and I were having a drink in a pub in Weston Super mare on the Locking Road. I saw a tall gentlemen dressed in a old long black coat, he asked politely if he could use the bar stool next to me. He offered to buy me a drink and brought his partly drank pint and placed it on the counter. He said he was pleased to meet me and shook my hand with a very firm grip. Just then my mate came back from the toilets and his face looked a bit white when he saw the genleman.

    He was very real and was drinking and ordered another drink and offered to buy us one. He said politely, you will have to excuse me as I go to go to the toilet, it was then my mate wanted to leave, and left an almost full pint on the counter.

    We left through a side door and went to the car park to drive away. We could see through the windows of the pub that our tall gentlemen was still at the bar with his back towards us. We drove off, as it was at night not to draw his attention, I drove out the car park with no lights. Then when on the main road put them on, he was still at the bar as we passed the front of the pub. We drove about a mile and a quarter, all the time looking to see if he was following, there was no way he was.

    We went to another pub this one was tucked back well off the main road up several side roads, the pub had a side aley we reversed the car in so it could not be seen from the road, . I peeped round the corner and there was no one in sight, and went in by the side door. The gentleman was sat on a barstool with a pint with half of it drunk ! you can imagine our surprize.  He said what a pleasnt surprise and offered to buy us a drink. A little while later he asked He then asked what our favourite music was so he could put some money in the juke box. He asked the barman to help him with the juke box. As his back was turned my mate said lets leave right now.

    We drove about 2 miles and I slowed up for a pedestrian crossing as there was some one about to cross. It turned out to be that very same gentleman.

    About a month later we went in the same pub for a drink, we asked the barmanager  Giovani about what happened when we left. He said our mysterious genlemen friend stayed several minutes after we had left, he said he had to leave to meet a friend, as he went he headed for the front door, but appeared to walk through it as he did not physically open it. There were other customers who seen this as well and it was a topic of conversation. All of this no one could explain but he was very real all the same.

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