
Have you ever had an original thought?

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Have you ever had an original thought?




  1. No, every thought is a sequel to another, whether we know and realize or not. Every thought is merely a reaction.... nothing original about it. What we believe to be original is merely an unusual reaction or a lateral response.

  2. yea, but then it comes on the home shopping network the day i start working on it.

  3. Yes, each one of my thoughs occurs in my mind/brain making it uninue in origin and relating it directly to myself makes it original.  THERE YA GO!!!!!!

  4. every new thought you have from birth is new per say, conceiving through neural synaptics is a newborns dream, also that of the creative process of inventors, much thought dwells from within itself, ☺


  5. Probably not. I'm sure someone, somewhere has shared the same thought with me.

    I may feel at the time that it is indeed an original thought, but I'd be willing to bet that I heard or read about something similar in the past, and it's coming to the surface in the form of an original thought. That's just me, though. Haha.

  6. Probably not.

  7. Yes, and so have you. Some people think that just because the stimulus for an idea comes from something else that needs improvement or an answer to a problem, that it is not original. That thought is un-original.

  8. The Fortune Cookie ♥ says:

    What if life doesn't exist?

    What if it the reality you believe isn't a reality at all?


    Love, The Fortune Cookie ♥

  9. Now, that's a beautiful question. Kudos. I'm excited to see the community's answers! Thank you!  

  10. I think most thoughts people think are orriginal have already been thought in one form or another.

  11. ...every day of my life...

  12. How would anyone know his thought is unique to him alone? You would have to question every human who ever lived and then accept that each person was honest and each was able to catalog every thought they ever had or could remember. Kinda impossible me thinks.

    Where does thought come from? We take birth ignorant of why we acquired our present body and mind, much less how thoughts.come to us, yet some think that their thoughts are totally unique. This seems really arrogant to me. There is nothing new under the sun.

  13. Yes.

    Time travel is possible. It already happened.

  14. Yes. Stay near reality!

  15. All my ideas - concepts - are a result of a blend of all the other ideas that with which I come into contact. A product of environment, education and the values of the society I am part of.

    But I am an individual. If you mean my attitude and way of expressing myself, that is mine alone. What made the ancient Greek philosophers great was not the fact that their ideas were original - it was the fact that they were able to put them into words - to express them.

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