
Have you ever had an paranormal experience with a place/person as a child?

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Now that your an adult, have you confronted that place/person to get over your childhood fear?

Most of use growing up have either seen or heard of a "haunted" place or an old strange person that scared us as a child. You know, where you would go 2 blocks out of the way just so you didn't have to get too close.

Have you ever confronted your fears of these? Or have you just remained to stay as far away as you possibly can?




  1. I was very influenced by local lore and scary stories.  There were some places I knew of as a kid that absolutely terrified me.  This horror wasn't based on any experience, just the evil I attributed to such places due to a convincing story.

    But, I'm over that now.

  2. well let me tell you i am a paranormal investigator and i have seen some wild things happen and as a child yes i confronted and today i work in this field to help others our group is from michigan and  we are

  3. >yes, as a child living in rural S.W. Missouri, I would hear footsteps on the roof of our home at night. There were no trees near the house. The roof was over 12 feet from the ground level. And the footsteps were very heavy, like those of a grown person. This happened on several occasions over a period of years. Now unless something was crawling up the side of the house or there were very heavy birds weighing well over 150+ pounds. There was something going on.

    EDIT: Ghost, it was an open cow pasture before we built on it, there is now nothing there. as for its far distant past , who knows?

  4. When I was probably 6ish, I was staying at my grandmother's house for the weekend.  I had never met my grandfather as he died 2 years before I was born.  This one particular night my grandmother fell asleep while we were watching t.v in the livng room and I was sitting there deeply into what we were watching.  I got this feeling like someone was staring at me and looks towards the dining room from the livng room and man walked out of the hall way, into the dining room, stopped and looked at me, then continued on into the kitchen.

    Of course being 6ish I was freaking out, so I woke my grandmother up telling her that I thought someone had broken in.  She got up and checked everything then started asking me what this man looked like.  As I described him to her she kind of got this look on her face like she automatically knew what I saw.  Needless to say the man that I saw that night was my grandfather, and it wasn't the only time I ever saw him in when I was staying with her.  There were numerous occassions, and he always came from the hallway that their bedroom on was on, walked through the dining room and to the kitchen but never went back the other way.  

    My grandmother as I got older and was more able to understand what I was seeing, explained to me that he had made appearances since he died and she knew that it was because he watching over her, and that when they were married they promised to never leave each other even in death.  He kept up his end of the promise until '97 when she died.

    As far as confronting it, it was nothing to confront, and still isn't as there seems to be a "6th sense" if you will that runs in the women on my mother's side of the family.  It's quite creepy when you feel things and see things that other's don't, and then when your 19 get a call from your 85 year old great aunt telling you that she has to explain something to you that will clear up a great deal of things that you've experienced without ever even having told her about any of it.

  5. i had my very first and most extreme experience in has been with me all my life till now... , and i had plenty of other strange experiences all in italy....i have been doing loads of research on the area and on with what i saw....but from the time i returned back to australia, i always told people, friends that i was going back there....and i will be in the very near future....the place is filled with supernatural occurences...almost every local there has experienced something out of the normal, that is why they are all superstitious...and refuse to adknowledge it...they turn a blind eye to it, and refuse to talk about anything be honest i cannt wait to return.. but i want to do my homework first on different areas and hauntings......

  6. I have always wanted to confront that house again but i see no point whats in the past can stay in the past or let sleeping dogs lay. everyone knows my 1st experience in this field :)

    was six and lived in Trenton , MI . When the family and I were sitting on the living room couch watching TV, they all of the sudden heard a loud crash that sounded like glass breaking. We ran down stairs to find the remains a light bulb in swept into a dust pan with a broom standing next to it , between that experience many things happened in that home such as things flying across the TV stand onto the floor was one creepy experience.Another is when my mother one day was doing laundry and something screamed boo in her ear . What ever was there in the home struck me in the back with a shoving almost like a smack when i was sitting down and watching tv and shortly after My mom had told me at night she would hear footsteps around her bed at night on a daily basis.”

    Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~ ~

  7. I'm not an adult yet,but i did have a paranormal experience when i was 13 yrs old.I was standing alone in my living room and this weird feeling came over me,i looked and there was a white lady standing beside me.I stared at her for about 8 seconds and then she just walked through the wall,i didn't get scared until she left.

    In December 2007,i was sleeping on my living room sofa and saw a black figure standing over me.My whole family has experienced the paranormal.When my sister was a little girl,she saw a man wearing a hat sitting in a chair staring at her.

    I think my sister and I are the only ones that have come to terms with the paranormal happenings throughout our lives.It's left me an empty feeling inside,there's this curiosity in my heart now and i don't know how to tell my mother that i wanna be a ghost hunter now.I don't wanna live my whole life wondering why or being scared.

  8. Yes. I had just watched a movie with my  family and was walking upstairs to my room to go to sleep. It was late for me as a 9-year old, probably about 10:30, and as I walked up the stairs it was very dark.

    The lights weren't turned on, but that wasn't a problem as I knew the house well enough to navigate it in the dark. I approached my door, and as I opened it, I walked through and saw this blindingly bright zig-zagging ball of fiery light floating in the middle of the room for a few seconds, then disappeared. I was very frightened and called to my parents for help, but they told me I had just imagined it.

    Parents tend to say that a lot.

  9. Yes the best thing to do is confront your demons, I came across one just recently and Im now confronting it, That Demon is you. Everytime I see your question I have to run to another section, but now Im here to confront my demon.

    sorry Im just messing with yar. LOL

  10. I'm 13, and ten years ago, I was playing in my house alone (I'm an ony child) and I turned my head and saw this thing staring at me--it was like a skeleton (and keep in mind that I was three and didn't know what a skeleton looked like). I screamed and it vanished. I began crying and my parents ran in.

    As for my fear...

    No. I have not confronted it. I've encountered it, and I've always just sort of... left myself. You know? I didn't do or say anything, I just walked away.

  11. My experiences with the paranormal as a child were mostly in the home I grew up in and weren't fear producing when real breathing people (intruders) were eliminated as explanations.

    As I got older and discovered that science had failed to explain many many experiences of well educated, intelligent, honest people I began seeking out answers to what was going on with those places with reputations.

    I have found many many Urban Legends (undeserved reputations), many possible normal explanations for unusual experiences and a few truly simply unexplained phenomena.


  12. I can't. They burned down the house and put 4 smaller houses on the lots that the home was on. I wish I could. And no..I wouldn't go knocking on the doors of the people in those houses.

    However..I did learn recently..years later..that the son of the previous owners had committed suicide in it. Maybe he's the one who did those things to me. Guess my family thought it was best not to tell me about him. They didn't know what I was going through anyway.

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