
Have you ever had any experience with UFOs?

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UFOs only please - ghosts and other paranormal stuff will be in another question. :)

*NOTE: UFOs are ANY unidentified flying object.*

Can you tell us about your strange experience? What do you think you saw?




  1. A few years ago, I was in a hotel in Nashville, Tennessee.  I was looking out the window, and I saw a flying saucer! It was silver, with red flashing lights.  Then, it disappeared.

  2. sometimes I have "dreams" about strange beings passing the knowledge, one of them was old guy, I remember his long grey hair, I dont remember what he was saying , but it was like PC screen with the text going upwards, no pictures, just the text, at the end the guy said " the time will come", I was puzzled, but felt very relieved and somehow wise.

  3. I went to a friends house one evening. She lived on a farm in Wisconsin.

    Well, while she was getting ready, through the windows I saw bright lights and thought it was her dad coming in from the field on a tractor, but it wasn't,, her parents were out and her brother was with them.

    We both nearly wet out pants then the lights just were gone!

    To this day I truly believe we saw a ufo because there is no other explnaion

  4. yes, much of my extended family witnessed it too. back around 1967, give or take a year, we saw what we believe was a ufo in the skies over massapequa, long island, ny.   many people reported it and there was an article in the newspaper the next day.

  5. I've seen tons of UFOs!  People can't usually see them because they only fly at night and are black like the night sky. You have to look carefully for stars being obscured by the UFOs. When you see some stars disappear, that's good evidence that a UFO has appeared and is scanning the area.

  6. I have actually seen flying saucers.

    From now on, I do what she says or I will see flying cups and saucers next time.

  7. I've seen one!! I'm in VA....I've seen one on my way back to my house. i blinked, looked around and back at it and it was stil there... i watched it as it flew over the moutain...(no plane can fly THAT low!!!and i know it wasn't a helicopter) this was back in the fields was around 2003 or about 7 pm between fall and winter..

  8. I remember being on a few of these ships or UFOs as well. At least one of them was the shape of a large white egg and about the size of a truck or a van.These aliens were only around three to four feet tall. I believe there were around five of them in total on this ship. My therapist doesn't like me to talk about them though. He's a christian therapist who says these are delusions. OK,whatever.

  9. I've seen a number of things that I couldn't at first identify.  Then, after further observation it ended up being an airplane, helicopter or a cloud.

  10. I know what I saw - the first time was in 1975 or 6 and it was a silver space ship looked just like what you think a flying saucer would look like, the second was in 1987 and was a light very fast going sideways and disappearing into the side of a mountain.

  11. I am from a small town called Mexico Missouri which is a small rural town. Back when I was in High School 1977 I was  Junior in High School, my boyfriend and I were driving to a party out in the country. It was about 9p. We stopped to roll a joint, hadn't smoked yet. So we are sitting there, and I heard what sounded like planes. I turned to look out the passenger side window, and saw 5 red lights in the sky. They were hovering very low. I told Chuck, to look. We questioned ; are they planes, awfully low to be planes, awfully close together". Suddenly they just took off across the sky, like they were being pulled by a string. We immediately took off down the road. Until they stopped over the horizon. We stopped and watched, as they engaged in a strange formation, then took off again. The horses that were in the adjacent pasture were raising up, and racing around the pasture. We both were just dazed, and felt funny for the rest of the evening: hadn't even smoke yet; ha ha.

       When we got to the party , others had  seen this too, and thought they were something other than planes.

    It wasn't until years later that I saw different stories on TV with the stories about the red lights in the sky. Well thats all folks

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