
Have you ever had any experiences with the paranormal?

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Have you ever had any experiences with the paranormal?




  1. Nope, not a one.I like ghost stories though.The supposedly real life tales on here.Pretty darn bad I'm sorry to say.

  2. again I will ask the questioner, what type of paranormal would you be inquiring about?

  3. I have had unusual experiences that conventional science has thus far failed to explain, most people label that under paranormal so, yes.

  4. sorry I have no experiences.

    Denie, just because a lot of people might have a story to tell does not mean it proves that ghost do or do not exist. Anyone can tell stories about things they may have seen, but that does not prove it to be true. For me hearing stories would not work for me. I would need to see it for my very own eyes in order to believe it.

  5. yes ..i lived in a trailer that was blessed by a ghost of sorts ..she didn't like the company i kept ,loved keeping me up at night tracking noises, and was passive to some extent ,but always kept me safe .i took her with me in my travels and she lives with me still , now shes nicer and does not kill the ones i love ...blessed be

  6. Denie darling, anecdotes do not equal evidence.

    Oh, and:

  7. This question has been asked on here SO MUCH...that's probably why Dave S. gave you that site. But...maybe some new people will see it and answer with some new experiences we can add to the list. I think it's always good to give everybody a chance to tell their stories. Maybe if enough people tell their stories..the skeptics will take that into consideration before saying "no evidence".

    pd...I give you skeptics "thumbs up" for just stayin' in the game!!

    (especially since you rarely get "B.A. " on here!!)

  8. No. I'm still anxiously awaiting it though.


  10. Being an empath (or a "sensitive"), I've had countless experiences, including visual (physical body manifestation, spirits, shadowfolk, orbs, etc.), audible (disembodied voices), touch (what I call "cold blankets"), smell (perfume and other smells), and just general "sensing" of entities around me all the time. Most of the time, I take them in stride (as an empath, you have to get used to it); but the physical body manifestation was pretty terrifying.

  11. I was a full-on athiest until I started to use the ouija board this past summer. I'm still skeptical to most religions and spiritual ideas, but using it just made me a little more open minded that maybe there is some sort of paranormal activity.

    I revert back to, "It's just my wishful thinking" a lot, but, I try to stay open minded and neither positive or negative.

  12. yes  I had a dream about a friend I lost touch with & in the dream my friends face was messed up so when I woke up I looked his name up on yahoo & I came across his obit & a news story that he died in a car crash

  13. Yes. Paranormal activity (things moving by themselves) in an apt I lived in.

    Dreams that were actual events in real life after the dream.

    Noises in a house that started after I had lived there for a number of years and disappeared after I conducted a house blessing. No one knew about the blessing and only a couple people had known about the noises. These were discernable from normal "house" noises, much louder, a pattern and every evening until the blessing.

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