
Have you ever had any paranormal experiences? If so, please share them. <span title="Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!">Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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Have you ever had any paranormal experiences? If so, please share them. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...




  1. About two years ago alot of weird things were happening and one night I was staying at my bf&#039;s house and a man appeared at the end of the bed and it was very realistic, it stared for a view minutes then dissapeared. My cousin whom has also had a veiw ghostly encounters described the same ghost that I seen, before I told her..hers was from a few years back. uncle hung himself in our garage and my papaw died two yrs later...I feel like it&#039;s somehow connected bc the only time I saw these ghost was when I was in an abusive relationship with my ex and bad stuff would happen to him...and my cousin who seen the ghost also has been in rocky relationships so I feel like it&#039;s our deceased relatives warning us or something .


  2. I&#039;ve had a few, and I still have trouble believing it. Without reciting all my stories, I will say that until something paranormal happens, it&#039;s very easy to be skeptical. WHEN they happen, it shakes your world view and makes you want to go to church! I wish none of it had happened, but I intend to make good use of the knowledge and help the &#039;answers&#039; community. Going to church is a positive, socially affirming avocation that hurts no one. The Bible is a good read, especially if the sermon gets boring! The strength the Bible offers is invaluable when witnessing your first ghost. Don&#039;t go looking for ghosts, they&#039;ll find you. If you never have a paranormal experience, count yourself lucky. If my dad were alive, he wouldn&#039;t appreciate the time I spend on the subject, but DANG! I know there&#039;s something to discover! Peace.

  3. When I was about 19 I was woken by some body shaking me - I am a reluctant waker and as I looked up I saw a young man in a txedo - he looked really surprized to see m (i think he was looking for someone else) and he kind disapeared into the corner it was really strange.

    When I was 24 I stayed in a motel and woke to the presence of a back thing crouched over me - some people have had this experience I said the lords prayer and it disapeared. I was so shaken I shot out of bed and checked the door was locked it was. I also told the propritor who thought I was mad. It shook me up. I think it was an entity - a non human type spectare they are real but then people who have never had that experience will think this!!

    I have seen orbs and entities and even had a communictaion with a spirit but of course all these experiences cannot be measured so really its just my words of an annonimous stranger.

    When I bought my first house it was owned by an old lady who had passed away. My son saw her first in what use to be her room. He was two and in the middle of the night he ran into my room wide eyed telling me there was a &quot;nanna in his room&quot; Nanna would equate for old lady. I also saw her and could describe her perfectly. I also could hear footsteps walking around the house. Other people saw her as well. It was a great house and we loved it but after a while she stopped visiting I think she had a strong bond with the house as her husband built it.

    My father also spoke with me and when he died my clock stopped at the smae time he died odd but many people have had this experience

    But again many people would say I am delusional but thats ok I believe....

  4. Okay well my sister is a correctional guard at North Carolina State Prison and she sees ghosts and weird things all the time

    When she sits alone at night and she will look over and she will see prisonsers ( ghosts) at a table playing cards

    At doorways she sees a white man from the knees up staring at her

    She will look down a celll block and the cell block will turn red and when she will turn away and look back it goes back to normal

    Her coffee cup will move and the TV will turn on and off or switch channels

    She also hears voices on Death Row..

  5. I moved into my apartment about 2 months ago.  (LA)  Strange, little things happened here and there for the 1 st few weeks.  But a few nights ago, I thought someone had broke into my place, the noises coming from the kitchen were real, and loud! Like someone was throwing stuff around my pad.   When I finally got up the nerve to look, no one was there.  my cat looked terrified, and my neighbor downstairs asked me the next day what i was doing at 3am making so much noise.

  6. I have never experienced anything that I would describe as paranormal.  In my experience many people believe in the paranormal not based on evidence or experience, but on an eagerness to believe in spooky things.  As such, their frame of mind is ripe for a mistaken or creative interpretation for what goes on around them.  This is especially true for children or anyone else who don&#039;t quite understand how things work.

  7. Nope,never have!!!!!!!

  8. this happened a few nights ago to me.

    in my dream one night, i heard a car alarm, and thought nothing of it, as it was of course a dream, even though it sounded very real.

    the next day went by without anything unusual happening...

    as did the night! i didn&#039;t hear any car alarms...

    the next morning at breakfast, mum said, did anyone hear the car alarm go off last night? i had to get up at 2am to sort it out!

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