
Have you ever had any symbolic premonitions or visions or psychic thoughts?

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There are so many possible interpretations...You never know if you understood the meaning correctly. Have you had any symbolic premonitions or visions?(I really really hate them.)




  1. Yes, and I totally agree the're soo difficult to interpret. But there's something called the collective unconcious, the theory is we all share certain symbols, images as a whole,maybe going back to the time  when the earth was still young . Certain things mean the same universally, a marriage means death in most cultures. Other things are different with different schools of thought.

  2. I once had a dream that my best friend died and I watched.  I didn't try to help him mostly because I knew I couldn't.  I woke up in a ball and the sheets were soaked with sweat.  The next night I dreamed the same thing, but he died in a different way.  This continued every night until over a week later when I finally talked to a mutual friend online and asked if my friend was okay (we lived in 2 separate states at the time).  She said, "He's okay."  I asked what happened and she said his grandfather died the previous Tuesday.  That was the night the dreams started.  I was 15 years old and cell phones weren't a big thing and my parents rarely let me call him because of the long distance rates.  I had no idea his grandfather was even sick.

  3. some places i dream of become a reality.

  4. Well, the only premonitions I've ever had were that a friend was going to call me. LOL But I do frequently have visions and symbolic dreams. The visions are usually easy to figure out, as they're usually straight forward. Although, one particular day, I had an unusual one I do this day cannot figure out.

    But the dreams are the hardest, as it's ALL symbolic. I usually give up on those if the meaning doesn't hit me in the face. lol

  5. Well actually yeah, and that you ask about symbolism I think shows you have a very advanced knowledge and understanding about psy ability.

    Symbols for me are very personal. The symbols can come in any version of what I consider four main psychic abilities. claircognizance ( psychic knowing) clairvoyance ( psychic seeeing) clairaudience ( psychic hearing) and clairsentience ( psychic feeling).

    Years ago we had an unusual ice storm in my area. I had to go to work that day and do inventory. While at work, I started to feel kinda sick in the pit of my stomach. My coworker/friend knowing I was intuitive asked if I was "getting" something. I told her I didn't know.  I sat down closed my eyes and saw ( in my head) the motor trend car of the year award. It then turned into a big claw that was holding a huge cube of ice. I then saw a pickup truck slide on a highway I didn't recognize and hit a concrete medium. Then I saw a flash of a red car. I felt a little sick to my stomach.

    The only person I knew who had a red car was my Ex. I bit the bullet and called him . He was fine, so was his car. For 3 months I had that weird feeling in my stomach. Then one day I was traveling for work and had a layover. I called a friend that I hadn't spoken to since he'd moved to another state. He is a professional psychic, or was then, so I told him. He laughed and asked what the date was that all that had happened. I was able to look it up because we had been doing inventory.

    Turns out his state also had a big ice storm that same weekend. It was his red car that was run off an icy highway that very day by a large pickup truck that lost control on the ice. Both he and his girlfriend had minor injuries and had to be taken to the hospital.  

    I had seen so much and even "knew" the red car had been hit but I didn't know who was in the car.

    In the end my  friend said it obviously wasn't meant to keep it from happening to him but to prove to me I did have more ability that I'd had given myself credit for. That was his take on it.

    I do all I can to develop and learn more about my abilities. In hopes of helping. It has actually helped me get promotions and helped me avoid taking a job that looked great but I turned it down and found out through friends the boss was unexpectedly transferred and the new boss was horrid!

    I hope you'll hang in there. If you haven't already helped yourself or someone else I'm sure you will.

  6. Star for you! I was going to ask a similar question like this one.

    Lots of my dreams end up being actual reality and freaks me out at times. I do enjoy the feeling of deja vu, its an interesting feeling yet confusing.

    Sometimes I think of myself psychic, especially in between my family. Me and my sister occasionally think up these identical random ideas and at times same them out loud at the same time which freaked us out. I frequently tell my younger cousin results of actions before he commits them and eventually my weird insight ends up being real.

  7. My spirit guide gave me a dream of her memory of me in a past life.....She was my guide in that past life as well.

    I lived in this very large village or city with many people. The houses were all build with stone that was painted white with red roofs tops. Some were kinda rounded houses, I am thinking Yugoslavia around 15 or 16 Century.

    Some thing happen within the village, everyone took sides like a civil war. I killed many of them, the battle lasted all day long. In the middle of battle I was exhausted and went to sleep on the ground. When I woke up, almost everyone was dead, some wounded, and some walking around. As I looked to my right side, My spirit guide Erica was standing next to me as spirit the way I see her now, perhaps protecting me. I believe what she was telling me through this dream memory was.....No matter how many battles I have, She is always going to be there with me.


  8. no I have not had any of those thoughts.

  9. Yes, they trrip me out at time becasue at the same time I was not expecting that to happen but is my thought and it happens!

  10. No, my intuition is usually straightforward. I know when I get a premonition, it is not "symbolic." Sometimes I'm a little off, but I always understand exactly what it means. I don't look for it to happen, but when it does, I know. You can't really say a crow means death unless somewhere deep down in you gut you know what it means. You could find symbols in your dreams and waking life all day long, don't drive yourself crazy trying to figure out what they mean, it will come to you once you develop your skills. Also, I didn't develop my intuition into something I could use and others can notice until right around now, my mid twenties.

  11. I sometimes have dreams that are precognitive and usually these are somewhat symbolic. For instance, I dreamt that my coworker was in my bathroom in the house I grew up in and he let the water overflow in the bathtub. In waking life, he would sometimes let the sink at work overflow. I told him my dream to warn him to be careful that day. Sure enough, even with the warning, he almost let the water overflow in the sink at work, but he caught it just in time. I think my dream was a symbolic premonition, even though it was for a small, mundane event.

    In another dream, I saw a white house with a side and front entrance. It was on an alley and next to a park. A sign in front of the side entrance said "Assembly for Witches". I was attracted to the house, but I didn't feel like I should go inside. I didn't feel like I belonged there. After I woke, I felt like the house was significant in some way, but I didn't know how. I thought it must symbolize something, but I couldn't figure out what.

    Months later, I went to a meet-up in Reno, Nevada, at a place I'd never seen before. It was a small house behind another house. When I saw it, I knew it was the house from my dream, even though it wasn't white. There was a front entrance that was locked and a back entrance that I entered by. The back entrance is on an alley and across from a small park. There is no sign saying "Assembly for Witches", but it is a metaphysical book + supply store and a place where witches work and have rituals, so it is and assembly place for them. (The part about staying outside and not feeling like I should go inside, also has symbolic meaning for me, but this is personal.)

    When it comes to symbols in these situations, you have to follow your intuition as to what they mean. Your subconscious should develop a sort of dictionary of what your symbols mean to you.

    Less symbolically, here's a recent example of clairvoyance. An asker at YA asked this question yesterday. I read the question and saw a red marker in someone's hand, so I thought I should answer it. Turns out I was the first and only person to get the correct answer.;...

    Her answer to me in email:

    " Message: WOW YOUR GREAT!!!!!!

    i am holding a red sharpie and im drink smiroff raw tea, its about gone now!!

    thanks your good

    ash :-)"

    - P.

  12. I tend to dream symbolically, but the meanings can seem favorable. I had a dream a few months ago that I still remember because it's good for me to. I was in a passenger jet that was in trouble and had to make an emergency landing. I looked out the window and saw a wing break. Then we flew to ground level and skidded a while until we came safely to rest in a beautiful area. There were trees and cabins and a great sensation of peace. That's the kind of symbol I can live with. Since my life is challenging at this time, this dream makes me think positively. Psychic or not, it makes me optimistic about the future.

    Now a symbol I don't like or understand is different matter. I try not to give them very much mental or emotional energy. Why encourage the confusion? If you don't know if you understood the meaning of a symbol, you just take a reasonable course of action and then say "See Ya! I got better things to think about." Nobody understands everything.

    As for a vision; you'll not only understand, you'll be there!

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