
Have you ever had anything paranormal happen to you before?

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i have since my sister passed away she was only 18 car crash, now i see shadows in the corner of my eye i feel like im not alone but im scared




  1. Those shadows are demonic entity.Pray and ask Jesus Christ to protect you from those demonic spirits (they are very very dangerous). Don't talk to them at all and ignore them. They love getting attention from people.

  2. If that works for you fine, but for me I would need more evidence than that.

  3. someone rubs my back when im asleep, thats creepy. You should not be scared if you think its your sister.

  4. Get your eyes checked.

    From wiki;

    Floaters are able to catch and refract light in ways that somewhat blur vision temporarily until the floater moves to a different area. Often they trick the sufferer into thinking they see something out of the corner of their eye that really is not there.

  5. I have never had an experience that has required a paranormal explanation.

    Chances are you always saw the shadows, but since a significant event has occurred you now make an association where none really exists.

    I am sorry to hear about your sister.  What a terrible tragedy.

  6. It does not seem to follow that your sister would attempt to frighten or attack you as a spirit.  You may be scared, but if this is a manifestation of your sister, it should be benign.

    Now, you described a common experience, these objects or spirits are often known as Shadow People, and have a tendency to only be seen out of the corner of one's eye.

    If you have the strength, you can attempt to speak with this spirit.  Although I would refrain from doing anything stupid like using a Ouija board.  Try just talking, I have done this before with spirits, but it requires great empathy to be able to feel a response.  You can also try EVP, as it is more commonly practised.  Use an audio recording device to make a recording of your one-sided conversation.  You want to do this in the area where you experience these encounters, and you want it to be as silent as possible so the recording will be as clear as possible.  You want to already have a set of pre-picked questions, so you know where you will be going with this.  You want to ask the questions in a strong confident voice so you will be clearly recorded, and give ample time for the recording to detect any response.  You also want to make a note of any other noises; for example, if you hear a car pass by outside, you want to make that known on the recording so you won't confuse it with something else when you listen to the tape.  You may also need to make a digital recording so you can upload it to a computer audio enhancement program.  You can find a few free ones out on the net.  The program I use myself is called Audacity.

    Finally, if you are really just scared of this experience and it recurs frequently, and you want to get rid of it, you can email me and I can help you through a process of cleansing and protection.

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