
Have you ever had anything paranormal happen to you?

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or something really scary.

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  1. yes Something happened where I used to work. I used to clean offices.

    One my last day of work on a sunday. No office workers were there when I went onto my floor I was unlocking the closet to get out my cleaners. I heard someone call my name. It was a woman's voice. I turned around and nobody was there. Then less then a minute later I

    Heard it again then i said Who is there? Then no response so I looked around me I went into all the cubicles and did not see anyone. Then Right before I left to go home I went into the bathroom. I was all alone. I went into the last stall. Then a few minutes later I heard one the the other stall door slam hard. I knew it had to be a ghost cause I did not hear anyone push open the two doors that went into the bathroom. A

    few minutes later I came out of my stall. All the other doors were open slightly. I went over to wash my hands and stared into the mirror. I did not see any feet under the other stalls. Then I quickly left the bathroom. Then when I was running the vacuum cleaner I seen in the corner of my eyes quick black flashes as if someone was running past very quickly.  I moved up and looked and did not see anyone. Each office cleaner had their own floor. Then when I was in the elevator I was going down and I heard like a bunch of people talking  I was thinking that as I was going down I could hear people talking on the floors that I was passing if they were close to the elevator  but the more I thought about it I know the chances of that is small plus if they were waiting for the elevator it would have stopped. I think their were ghosts in the elevator with me. It was a sunday and by the time I got downstairs most of the other workers had left for the day. Where I used to live I woke up and it felt like someone was tapping my shoulder. I was facing my husband. Then I heard a small kids voice say mom mom and then Momm like please pay attention. I just layed there with my eyes closed tightly cause I was afraid to look. I did not have kids at that time. It was just my husband and I. Then a different night I was playing a game. I just started a new level. The guy i was playing started going back the other way.

    I tried to get it to move forward but it wouldn't it just kept walking the other way and could not go anywhere cause it was a new level. I started to complain and said come on and my husband came over to see what was wrong. Then our television went off and then on again.

    Other things happened also but most of it was at night.

    I think the ghost was a small child.

  2. Yup.

    Some nights I can't sleep for hours because of the 'illusions' I see and hear.

    I'm more perceptive than most people I know - when someone calls and someone else answers the phone, I can tell imediately who is on the other side. I can read the body language of animals like it's my natural language, and can understand how they think.

    The paranormal/ghost stuff I'd rather not share in public, message me if you want to know.  

  3. yeah i have. my story begins at my old house when i was 8. my mom's in the kitchen and i am playing indoors by my self. all of the sudden i feel like im beung watched from the basement. when i go to check it out i find the door shut. i open it to find nothing but a sound. the sound well i describe it as a wolf and lion or tiger fighting. it scared me so much that i decided to go play out side the rest of the day. i'm 19 now.

  4. Actually, I have not had what I can call a true paranormal experience and I've been investigating for a while. I guess I will just have to keep looking.

  5. Paranormal no,scary yes a few times.I've hit by a car.I also fell off a very high fence.

  6. The house I grew up in was haunted.  I'll tell you the weirdest incident:

    The comforter on my bed was navy on one side, yellow on the other.  I always had the navy side facing the ceiling.  One morning I woke up and couldn't move, because the sheet and comforter had been tightly tucked between the mattresses...while I was in the bed!  The flat sheet was on top of the comforter, and the comforter's yellow side was facing the ceiling!

    I've always wondered:  what was going on in my room while I was sleeping???

  7. Yeah, my cousin and I saw my grandmother's ghost/spirit in our house. I was 12ish, my cousin was 8ish.

    I was babysitting, and it was just the two of us at home. We were camped out in the living room, and for some reason we walked to one of the bedrooms. We saw her in a bedroom in the middle of the day. We screamed and ran back into the livingroom, and hid under a blanket. I think I called my mom, or she called to check on us, but that was it. We kept our scared butts in the livingroom for the rest of the day.

  8. Yes, many times and taht is why I am searching for the paranormal truth.

    I don't want to tell all, it is too personal to share with just anyone.

    My alarm clock goes off when not set. My son died six years ago.

    I used to set more than one clocks in his room to wake him up.Knowing his sense of humor I am not suprised that this could be a way of him making a connection with me. It is also interesting that there are times I am upset adn the alarm goes off as if he is telling me that all will be well. If i haven't heard from him for awhile I  talk to the clock and tell him that I would like to hear from him soon. Then usually in a cuople of days the alarm goes off.

    I dated an electrician and he told me there is no explaination of why  it happens. He told me that if he were me, he would throw the clock out in the garbage. I choose to keep it.

  9. yep this one time at band camp.....

    or i could just tell you without say this one time at band camp but any way yea this one time i was dreaming about my granda and i woke up and i swear i heard him talk to me

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