
Have you ever had deja vous?

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I mean it seriously.. because sometimes I get this weird feeling that the same scenario I am in has happened before.




  1. Yes but originally in dreams or when your in a moment

  2. yes many times before something strange happens after  

  3. Yes, lately, I've been getting them either like everyday or every other day, it's so weird...than I like waste my time thinking if that was a dream or not...I'm like, wow, what just happenened here?

    It's weird because I'll be talking to someone, than I remember that same exact expression, exact saying, everything.

    It's kind of cool though. ^_^

  4. deja vu all of the time!

  5. Lots and lots of times... But unfortunately, science has figured out why this happens and it has nothing to do with the paranormal or seeing the future...

    It is something the brain does... It has been documented many times what the brain does while in a state of Deja Vous.

    It is BIOLOGY not mythology... I wish it were otherwise...

  6. I have this all the time.  This at times is weird.  I could be thinking of a song in my head and next thing you know it plays on the radio station.  Freaks me out

  7. i get it all the time!

    it's crazy.

  8. yes a few times

  9. yes, many times

  10. Weird isn't it.

  11. yess!! usually in dreams tho

  12. Yes on and off (probably 6 or 7) times in the last 15 years.  It is a weird experience!

  13. Yes. Here's my theory how and why this happens: I believe deja vous are more often than not just the coincidence of your previous imaginings with later real-life happenings. Here's how it works...

    1. I've had an active imagination since childhood. I daydream and envision things ahead of time. For instance, when I applied to college I began imagination what life at college would be like. What friends I might make, what they might look like, whether I might have a girlfriend and so on. Sort of like making my own movie in my head, and these movies can get very vivid too.

    2. Fast forward weeks, months even years into the future. I've long forgotten havign these daydreams, or so I think. Then something happens similar to what I envisioned. That's when I REMEMBER my daydream, only it was some time before so I don't know remember exactly that it is a daydream, my brain only knows that it's seen what my eyes are seeing before.

    Of course, sometimes you're experiencing something you've experienced before but have forgotten. For instance, as a child you might have had chicken pox and forgotten what it was like. As an adult you might get some kind of rash or something and you feel like you've had it before. Probably another type of deja vous.

  14. I Know This Is Stupid And That Alot Of People Are Gonna Say Stuff Like Im Lieing Or Im Stupid But Whatever

    Ok My Family Has This Thing Like We Dream Stuff That We Dont Remember Until Its Happening And The More We Try To Avoid Doing What We Dreamed About It Turns Out More And More Like It And My Mom Is Like Idk One Time I Went Skatebaording And Before I Left The House My Mom Said One Of These Days Your Gonna Come Home With A Broken Arm That Same Day I Cam Home With A Broken Arm Than Another Time Me Cousin Was Driving Really Fast And My Mom Saw Her And Said I Bet She's Gonna get In An Acident And A Couple Minutes Later The Car Flipped I Know This All Sounds Stupid But Its True!!!

  15. yes, I think at some point in time everyone experiences that.

  16. I have had them several times.

  17. omgosh totally..

    almost a few times a week.

    sometimes it's kinda cool, sometimes kinda freaky lol  

  18. i think so why?

  19. i get this a lot of the time too.

    it'll be a normal day and then one simple thing reminds me of the exact situation before.

    i kinda like it though


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