
Have you ever had experience with a ghost? if so how?

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do you believe it was actually a ghost or just your imagination!




  1. When I was in forth grade my family and I lived in a house in upstate NY. The house always spooked me a little, I remember hearing dishes move around in the kitchen at night and no one being in there. One night I had a nightmare and I woke up and was calling my mother. (my parents room was next to mine). I heard her say "what" and I asked her to come here. I waited for a couple of minutes an I saw someone walk across my doorway and go into the bathroom (as soon as you walk out of my room the bathroom was directly to the right). I thought it was my mother because she wore light colored pj's to bed that night and it looked like the "person" that walked into the bathroom had the same on. I thought it was odd that my mother would go into the bathroom and not to my room, I sat in my bed waiting for the bathroom light to come on and it didn' I got the nerve up to go look, there was no one in there! I remember running and jumping into my bed, flying like superman! I could not sleep for the rest of the night. The next morning I asked my mother if she heard me calling her in during the night and she said no.

    I will never forget that. It was not my imagination, I was totally awake and paying attention for my mother to come into my room.  

  2. When I was in third grade, we moved to a new house.  Our old house was really old, and the last night we stayed there, my mom said in the middle of the night, she felt something tickling her neck, and it looked like a little boy.  After moving to our new house, she looked at some stuff about the house online, and supposedly, a little boy died in that house!

    I believe in ghosts and stuff, so i think it was a ghost of the kid!

  3. Being a paranormal researcher and investigator, I can say that I have many experiences with spirits........... And yes I totally believe in the existences of spirits...........

  4. i believe that my experience was an actual ghost, when i was young i lived in this townhouse where i could hear sounds of someone walking i my room at night. plus you could hear conversations through the vents like people were having conversations in the basement. At another place we had this little chicken that would crow when someone walked by it. well needless to say we had to take the batteries out. That d**n chicken would crow at night when everybody was trying to sleep. no one would be around the chicken to make it go off. My mother would wake up with busies on her legs as well.  

  5. 1. to all you say that they think they hear they're voices insulting someone or whatever but isn't them? that's called a doppelganger. they're the evil part of you like... the lil devils you see in cartoons telling someone to bad things. they act more aggressive in Gemini's I hear...

    Also sure I have a spirit... I don't know who he is or where he came from but he's been with me since childhood and he's like the comfort blanket I had to give up as a kid cause when I'm really scared or mad or whatever he just wraps his arms around me and I know everything will be ok and to just stay calm.

  6. 1st story:When I was in 3rd grade I went to the school bathroom with my friend tiffany.We went inside and I was already freakin out!

    I didn't have to use the bathroom but tiffany did so i told her to hurry up.

    I was staring at the mirror in front of me and out of nowhere a little girl was staring back at me.She was pale,she had a blue ribbon in her hair,she had a pinkish peach dress on,and her jaw was ripped off!!!

    I'm not lying!she was staring straight at me.I got so scared that I screamed and closed my eyes.I told tiffany to get out of the bathroom.So she got out and she screamed.I opened my eyes and that girl was still there.So we ran really fast out of the girls bathroom.

    I was scared like h**l!

    2nd story:My cousins came over to my house.We were just playing around and my mom had just went out to the we were alone.We were playing hide and seek in the house but we decided to

    mix it up a little!so we closed the curtains to the balcony,we covered the windows,and we turned off the lights.So we were playing hide and seek in the dark.I was it and I was counting in my room.I went into the kitchen and i found Chely.Then I went to my moms room and I found Michele.The only person left was Janeleys.Me,Chely,and Michele were all looking for her.we were holding hands so that we wouldn't get scared or separated.we were getting kind of tired so we told janeleys

    to come out she told us she was in the liveing room behind

    the couch.So we went there.When we found janeleys we turned on the lights.And then me and michele were staring above chely and janeleys's head.They said "what".There were three people behind them but they were three feet off the ground,They looked like they were dead but they were looking at chely and janeleys with a lot of curiousity.So me and michele started to scream!Chely and janeleys turned around and the ghosts were right in their faces!

    The ghosts were gone as soon as we blinked.

  7. No it's not our imagination. We have a ghost living in our house and he was here when we moved in 22 years ago. We all (nine of us) noticed some things - nothing like "Poltergeist" or anything - that we didn't comment on or discuss with each other. A few months or so after we moved in two or more of us began noticing things that we couldn't ignore. Eventually, even those in the family that didn't talk about him acknowledged that his presence was apparent and felt by everyone. Some members of our family were more perceptive than others and therefore the family interaction with him was different for each of us. One of my younger children, who was 18 months when we moved in, gave him a name, and a few years later we learned that a young man by that name had lived in the house. The young man was killed in a car wreck just a few years before we moved in.

    I can honestly say that most of the time, his presence is shown by little subtle things and we sometimes don't notice anything for weeks. We (the ghost and us) have had a great relationship in that there has never been any fear associated with him and he has never done anything to cause us to have any fear-only curiosity.

    I have only two children left at home now and we still enjoy his presence. I never feel alone and I am never scared. Neither are any of my children. He is NOT my or my family's imagination!

  8. I know I experienced something paranormal, but I don't think it was a ghost. I got in n argument with my brother one day, and I was so angry with him, but I didn't want to continue name calling because I was already in a lot of trouble as it was. Instead, I called him an idiot in my head. To my amazement, I heard what sounded like my voice telling him he was an idiot, only it wasn't me, and I swear. As, I walked to my room I saw this figure that was mimicking me I guess because I'm so certain that spirit or whatever it was would more than likely not resemble me if it were alive or human even. I think it was the devil getting inside of my head. I was young, and he probably thought he could convince me to follow him more easily, being as vulnerable as I was. It was real, definitely not my imagination.

  9. oh yes when i was a child a straign voice talk me and say me that he was a dwarf.

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