
Have you ever had family problems?

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i hang out with my cancer sister a lot.

recently our parents went on holidays and she has been horrible to me. She said shes moving out of home. But she is never horible to me, she is normally my best friend. She also recently got a boyfreind lately that i do not like and i have tried to be nice to him, i really enjoy hanging out with her, but shes puts it as im 'using' her now. She also said she doesn't recone we can repair our relationship. she is being a little ridiculas, and has always been dramatic. She is a cancer and so am I.

im not sure whether to bother?

have you ever had similar problems?

your advice doesn't have to be horoscope related either. :)

thanks for taking the time to listen/help




  1. no your problem doesnt sound an astrology one, just a sister-sister and growing-up thing!

    you have to recognize that she's in a place in life where things are changing drastically and she may need her space now and give her a little consideration becoz she may need getting used to the changes in her life too.

    dont take this too seriously. sisters do have spats once in a way but in the end they get together again! :0)

    i had the same problem when we were growing up , so i know. the problem actually lasted for quite a few years, but we're best friends(like u said) again!!

  2. Hi Kristy,

    This sudden change in your sister's attitude is a bit worrisome, especially since it occurred when the bf became a part of her life.  I wonder what it is you don't like about him.  The first thing that popped into my mind is that maybe they are doing drugs (I dunno) or possibly she feels you to be a threat to her relationship with this guy.  Anyway, maybe you should talk to her about what you are thinking,  feeling, etc.  and see if you can get some resolution that way, but I think you need to get more information first - try observing more before you decide to act.

  3. aww...I think you are just going through some sister troubles.....I think she has been horrible to  you because she wants her own independence now...I know is hard for let her go because you are a caring and loving Cancer...and you told me several times that she is like your 2nd mom to you..=) ...but you have to remember that she is her own person.....and she just need her own space now....don't have to remember..she will not be gone forever....she is still your sister and I bet she still loves you..

    I hope everything is well for you...if you need anything just tell me ok...:)

  4. I don't know the situation but maybe it's the boyfriend's words coming out of her mouth instead of her own :(

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