
Have you ever had food poisoning?

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If so, what happened, where did it happen from?




  1. OMG!!!!...Have I ever had food poisoning!!!!  It was the worst!  It actually got to the point of where I felt like I was going to need a hospital!  Oh yeah, and did I mention that it was from a Sushi restaurant!!!!!...I'm never going back there, I can tell you that right now!

  2. Yes! AAAAAAAAAAAH! Bad memories...I went to some pizza place with my mom one day and had these delicous cheesy raviolis...but then she had to rush me home so I the toilet.

    That was when I found out about the terrors of 'Montezuma's Revenge.' I leave that to you to look up....

  3. Yes, a few times.  Once was from a McDonald's breakfast sandwich that contained meat and another time was from ham fried rice in a Chinese restaurant. I haven't eaten either item since then and that was several  years ago.

  4. I got a bad case when on holiday in spain... the only view i got of the area where i stayed was thru the window as i running into the bathroom to throw up or ****! on occasion i was so ill i was sitting on the loo puking in the bidet! i was ill for the whole holiday, spent the flight home with my head in a 'sick bag' and ill for another week at home... im not eating there again... ive been off chicken ever since!!! cant wait to go back to the area tho and see what i missed last time. On a plus ... i didnt spend any money so have it all ready for my next trip :o)

  5. I think so... It was never confirmed...

  6. ate spagehtti O's or however you spell it and i broke out with a rash n like a fever

  7. I went to a Wendy's restaurant and ordered a garden salad.

    Thought I was only buying a salad. Within an hour of eating the salad I was in the hospital from an allergic reaction to something in/on the salad.

    If I hadn't been with someone I could have died.

    I had food poisoning one other time from a Yukon steakhouse.  The meat tasted very salty and grainy.

    By the time I got home I was loosing it.  It kept me up for quite a while. Ran a temperature, chills, vomit, etc.

    It is a horrible experience; much like the flu but constant.

    I wouldn't want this to happen to anyone. It takes days to get over food poisoning and if you have an allergic reaction, as I did, you look have welts and look like a lobster for weeks. The medication is supposed to help with the itching but it really takes a while to get in your system and help.

  8. Yes its a death sentence, diarrehea, puking, dry heaving, cramping.   Undercooked pork chinese........  YUCK! and once from shrimp

  9. Ewww, I got a bad piece of fish from Long John Silver's. Needless to say I didn't leave the bathroom for hours. It was one of the worst days of my life. I haven't eaten there since.

  10. I keap wanting to throw up but it was at KFC

  11. Yes. I got it from little Ceasars breadsticks. They had bad yeast in them. It was a really horrible experience. I ended up having to go to the emergency room and staying overnight so they could pump water back into me intravenously (with IV's). I was really dehydrated. I just couldn't keep anything down.

  12. my aunt did from eating meat at a restaurant.

    and she was fine till the day after and the whole day all she did was vomit and sleep in the bathroom it went on like that

    for about two days.

    and she couldn't eat anything at all.

    and only could drink little amounts of water at a time.

    it was really bad

  13. No! But, my uncle did. Taco Jack. It's a combo of Taco Bell and Jack in the Box.

  14. i was actually on my lunch break where i worked at the airport. i had mcDonalds' filet-o-fish burger and god... minutes after consuming that i spent about a good 15 mins (felt like hours) in the tiny cubicle, wanting to throw up but ***** cs i kept reminding myself tht i was at work and that i was in uniform and all that... it was a nightmare..... :-(

    prior to th most recent one i had one from eating raw chicken nuggets from my old primary school... years back, and i had to take 4 days off i was extremely sick... :-( badddd memories....

    hey what about yourself??

  15. Pizza Hut gave me the runs for about a week. Those wings and breadsticks got to me.

  16. i once was deathly ill after eating a ham sandwich i found under a skin fold while bathing.  turns out a friend stuck that sandwich there during the 1984 Superbowl.  The raiders won that year and in all the excitement my friend crammed the uneaten portion of his ham sandwich in my crevasse.

    I'm fine now tho!@

  17. yep! it sucked. i pretty much spent the whole time in the bathroom. and then rushed home and spent the whole night in the bathroom. ummmm.................marieta"s

  18. my sister did from the schools ribs and she puked all day

  19. yes, spent time in the rest room. mesa verda national monument

  20. no

  21. I once made tacos from hamburger that was bad.  It was in a plastic Jimmy Deans Sausage comes in.  I cooked it and it smelled a little strange but I thought that it was the seasoning I was using.  I shared it with a friend of mine.  The next day I called in sick to work because I had diarrhea so bad I couldn't get out of the bathroom.  As it turns out she had the same thing.  It was the only food her and I shared so it had to have been the hamburger.  Since then I have never bought hamburger that's packaged like that.  I go to a butcher shop and get it fresh.  It was horrible.  I didn't vomit and I didn't feel "bad"...I just spent most of the day in the bathroom catching up on some much needed was all I could

  22. Yes I have.  It occured at Church's. I was on my 12th chicken wing and I was full. I went home and sat on the toilet for 5 hours barfing and pooping. I mean it was like a rainbow of p**p. Orange, brown, black, yellow, green, purple, and red. My puke was orangish. Well, my mom went back to Church's the next day and told them what had happened. We found out that they accidentally put vaseline and shaving cream in my mash potatoes! NEVER GO TO CHURCH'S!!!!!

  23. nope

  24. Yes. It was when my mom was pregnant with my baby sister. i was 7 years old and got food poisoning from McDonalds chicken nuggets. that was hard for my dad.

  25. I once went to China and went to a restaurant. I got this drink that was canned...I thought it wouldnt have gone bad...but apparently it did!

    That night, I began to feel kinda bad and threw up in the bathroom. For the next 3-4 days I was so weak I could barely walk and I also had a fever.


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