
Have you ever had glamor shots and was touched up too much by the photographer?

by  |  earlier

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I did some with my ex husband and by my self but they always came back way photo shopped. Is this what photography is about nowadays? I mean am I that flawed in features that they have to make me look like someone else. Have you ever had glamor shots that came back to look completely different from you?




  1. yes but i looked way better than i was already so i cant complain

  2. Phew: thank God you just mean airbrush!

    As ex-stepdad to 4 lovely girls now 20s/30s ...

    & dad of a lovely 20-year-old I aint seen in 5.5 years, who could be literally chained up in a literal dungeon & tortured by literal sadists - (whose mum & much older half sisters filled her head with stuff that made her take dangerous risks even @ 10)..

    I'm not the only man who thought you'd been seriously abused

    & hopefully clicked & read to help, not gloat

    I re-read your profile, having 'buddied' you last week

    Praying for you, then & now, I feel what you really seek is the firmest of firm assurances - that I'm sure other women readers will value & cherish too, yes?

    The best news for any lady, @ any time - but especially @ this maybe most sensitive time - is not what this somewhat mischievous freelance online advice lady columnist (& general scribe) says here:-

    Far better is the beautiful Bible book of Ruth - classic tale of an immigrant widow whose future, against all odds, turned out better than herwildest dreams - recently updated by award-winning novelist Tommy Tenney's "Coming Home"

    Tommy did the novel & screenplay for '07 epic film "One Night With The King" - that likewise brought the Bible book of Esther into C21 - ace DVD rental for Feast of Purim soon

    I'm sure that Aled Jones, in interviewing & featuring silver haired award-winning singer/guitarist/songwriter & raconteur extraordinaire on @ 7-9am will whet your appetite for his superbly uplifting albums & concert tours

    I've seen Charlie live @ 4/5 times now (& many fans, many more times, for his hilarious wit as well as superb voice & brill band!)

    Before I get up to switch from Wayne Clarke's award-winning "Daybreak" on 6-8am, whose poignant Thought 4 Today was that @ 9/11, God was everywhere - stopping many folk going to work, so that a building holding 50,000 only had 20,000 folk in it ...

    Holding those buildings up, miraculously, till @ 66% of flok got out safe ...

    & making sure they imploded & fell inwards, not out to do the even more damage & carnage that the terrorists hoped for..

    OOPS: lemme get to da punchlines of this opus, OK, Eee?

    The only Perfect Man ever knows you much more than you do in your obvious & understandable emotional turmoil, yes?

    He loves you totally & wholeheartedly anyway


    Will you return His love right now?

    Be a Princess of the Supreme Royal Family of the Universe

    Ask the Lover of your soul to live in your heart as Saviour & Lord

    Must get back to bed for 90 mins

    God bless!


  3. Yes, they really do way too much editing and touch up these days.

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