
Have you ever had one of these moments?

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Where you're with a group of friends and you're all laughing and you look at your crush, and he looks at you and it's like you forget everything around you and you're still looking at each other even once you've stopped laughing?




  1. yep, isn't it awesome!!  

  2. Yep. I have been in love with the same girl for 8 years now even with her dating my best friend. Before they were dating though I remember it was late in my highschool career and we were all sitting together having lunch. We were laughing and joking and such. She was sitting directly accross from me at the time. All of a sudden I didn't notice it before, but she started crying. Noone else noticed it but granted if anyone at that table was in any type of pain I would have definately noticed her before them. I could see she was in soo much pain and it knotted me up inside and just killed me that she was like that. She put her head down on the table and put her arms out infront of her. I had to do something and so I slowly reached out my hands and slid them up ontop of hers, and held her hand. Ofcourse as soon as I did she picked her head up and we locked eyes for a good 5-10 seconds, but it felt like an eternity. All of a sudden all I could see was her. I could hear everyone else but I could see nothing but her. It was at that time that I realized that I could be caught in the middle of my crush by someone else and so I quickly pulled my hands away. Later that same year we were walking around together after school and I went for it and we kissed. I could feel that she had wanted to do that for while also but all of a sudden I felt her pull away a little. Of course I stopped and asked her what was wrong and she just ran away crying. Later that week I found out the her nad my best friend had started dating a week before. It killed me. I felt so lost. So I went for another 7 years trying to find someone else for me, even going through a failed marriage only to come full circle back to my hometown meeting up with her again and now I am in the best relationship of my life with her. I beat myself to a bloody pulp just to save my friendship. To sacrifice my love of someone to my friendship to another, only to end up with that very woman I tried so hard to run away from and forget. It was as if everthing I did, no matter how far I ran or how long it took I always ended up running right back to her.  

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