
Have you ever had paranormal activities happen to you?

by  |  earlier

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if so can you tell me what happend? im still trying to figure out if i belive in it or not




  1. to save u and a lot of us time, read some of the posts that have been already put up. there's quite a few good ones. there are also some in the resolved section.  

  2. I don't really believe in it in the way many of the others do on here. I prefer to ask for evidence or more rational answers, The light that turned itself on is usually a light with a faulty switch or loose wire!

    Despite that, I grew up in a house that had all the features of being haunted. Voices and footsteps in empty rooms. I once heard the front door bang shut and the chimes rattle on the back of the door. When nobody came in I looked and the door was still deadbolted like I'd left it. A family friend was feeding the pets when we were on holiday. On sunny afternoon, she came in and heard people talking in the lounge, opening the door, the room was empty.

    All of this and more has truthfully happened to me and quite a few others in  that house. I still think that there's a rational, scientific reason that will explain it. Soundwaves is my favourite explanation so far.Some frequencies can generate hallucinations of sight and sound.

  3. One time when I was young, I woke up in the middle of the night and realized that my blankets were at the bottom of the bed, but I decided that it was not worth my energy to gather them up so I left them there but I was cold.  Then I remember my blankets gradually moving up towards me until they were about up to my chest at which time I pulled them over my head tight.  I also decided that I was too tired to worry about what it was.  Hey, it wanted to keep me warm right, couldn't be bad.

  4. this one time i was watching tv in the living room like at 3 am, then down the hallway i heard a cabinet slam, i called 4 my mommy and my lil bro but no 1 answered so then i when to go check they were both asleep, when my lil bro was 4 he would lock himself in my moms room turn of the lights and watch movies, and more than once we caught him talking to someone but there was no one there just him, there was also another time when my cousin slept over he slept in the couch, he said he saw the light of the fridge, like when u open it so he whent to go close it,nometimes doors close by themeselves, another time my lil bro was talking to a picture of my dead grandma and told the picture he was gonna see her soon, which scared my mommy, another time my mom woke up with a scream cuz she said some one had touched her shoulder when she was sleping

  5. Get a group of friends together and go ghost hunting at a known haunted area where you live.  Take flash lites, a camera (which can be a disposable, digital or what ever you like) a digital recorder if you have one, and extra batteries for all.  You can have a blast looking for ghosts mainly because your imagination tends to run away with you and you think every little sound you hear is a ghost.  You will have some great fun and maybe even have a ghostly encounter.  Just remember to be respectful.  Say please and thank you.  Do some EVP sessions.  If you do not know what that is, EVP stands for Electronic Voice Phenomenon.  You all stand around in a circle and ask questions while recording it.  Either some one can hold the device or set it on a stool in the middle of every one.  Make sure your session isn't too long because remember you have to listen to it when you are done.  I keep mine at around two minutes.  If there is anything there that is plenty of time for it to answer you.  The point I am trying to make is not to rely on what other people tell you about any paranormal activity.  Look for yourself.  Make up your own mind.  Do not go by the opinions of others.  You can trust your own experiences better than anyone elses.

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