
Have you ever had paranormal experiences? angels? miracles? aliens? spirits? stuff like that? share pls...?

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Have you ever had paranormal experiences? angels? miracles? aliens? spirits? stuff like that? share pls...?




  1. I have never had an experience (or desired an experience) that required a paranormal explanation.

  2. A very good friend of mine died last May in a car accident. He used to love throwing pennies at people. I was talking to his mom one day and she said that he leaves pennies in her car. The next morning I found a penny under my pillow that I did not put there.

    Also, sometimes when I'm in a store or something, something will fall over that was never touched. The windows and doors in my classes open by themselves.

    He lets me know that he is still here. Its pretty freaky but its cool.

  3. I've seen a ghost, a UFO (up close), and I've had a couple of out-of-body experiances. But since we've already heard a ghost story I guess I'll tell you about the time I saw the UFO.

    I was in highschool, and late one night my boyfriend and I decided to walk from his house to my house (which was about a 4 mile hike). I suggested we take the back roads so I could stargaze. Well, we ended up getting lost and eventually we found ourselves a little further out in the country (after wandering aroung trying to find our way for like 21/2 hours). The road was surrounded by fields on both sides, and on the right side of the road (a little way off- I'd say maybe....100 yrds away from the road itself) stood a house that was placed on top of a little hill. While we were walking I happened to look over at the house and to me it looked like it was on fire- I could see this orange glow just barely brimming from the top of the house. Like this orange glow comming from right below the roof. I didn't see any smoke, but I just assumed it was a fire. So I told my boyfriend we needed to get to the nearest house FAST so we could call the fire dept. before the house burned down- it was late, and I was afraid there'd be people sleeping in there. But as I started running to the nearest house, he grabbed my arm and was like "Look! Oh my GOD!" and we saw this orange glowing "thing" rising up from behind the house. It was huge. It made the house look small- (and the house was pretty decent sized).  It floated up very slowly, and it wasn't wasn't totally circular. It was like MOLTEN almost. It reminded me of hot lava, but it floated up slowly and then it started pulsating very slowly. It got a little bigger, and a little smaller and then bigger, and smaller until it finally assumed it's (original?) circular shape. The moon was tinted red that night, and I remember it floating up and getting closer and closer to the moon- and then it disappeared. It totally disappeared- and we both just kind of stood there in awe.....almost disbelieving what we had just seen. I didn't even blink my eyes for fear that it would just cease to exist and I didn't want to miss a moment of it. But it was truly one of the most unforgettable experiances in my life.

  4. my ex was a monster!

  5. Ghosts actually. My place of employment is extremely haunted. I work at a tourist attraction/cavern. People - not just employees - often see the same man in the cave over and over again when no one should be in there. We have visitors send us pictures they took where there white, misty figures in the pictures. One picture was when a family took a personal tour into the cave. Only the tourguide and this one family were in the cave at all. The guide took a picture of the family together. The family later sent us back a picture because a man showed up in the picture that was not on the tour. It was the same man that everyone describes seeing.

    I've also worked on the park itself and certain shops are haunted. Baskets will fly off of the walls, items will be picked up from one place and dropped in another, you'll hear someone very angry running around in the attics. I've even heard a woman screaming bloody murder from the stairwell and when I ran over, no one was there and it was silent. Crazy stuff, eh?

  6. I am actually a certified paranormal investigator (college student full time and fill the rest of the time with investigations).  I have been for 2 years and have just gone on my very first major investigation.  My "team" and I went to the Waverly Hills Sanatorium in Louisville, Kentucky and did an 8 hour stay.  The first very odd thing that I noticed was that although there were no windows, I saw a face on the 3rd floor peeking out at us as we were going to enter.  When I did enter, I took out my EVF detector and the closer we got to the morgue and the second floor, the more EVF signals I was getting.  The strange thing about this is that there has been no electricity running to this building since about 1981 (about 27 years now...).  When we got to the 3rd floor,  we began to see "shadow people" forming at the end of the hall and just for fun, decided to go into their grouping as a group ourselves.  Many of the EVP (voice recordings) that we took didn't turn out, but there was growling and a little boy laughing (we had no one under 18 in our group!).  On the 5th floor, room 502 is supposed to be haunted and it is like crazy.  A friend who was standing next to me suddenly went reeling backwards because her hair had been tugged towards this room.  The immense emotional energy floating around me made me feel like curling up into a ball and crying like a small child even though, technically, I felt fine emotionally one second before.  I however, was grabbed at and followed (I know this because my back was the only thing that felt cold...and the back of my bra came undone from the force of the pulling!).  Eight hours seemed to fly by...especially when you're an enthusiast.  So, I am going back in late August with a different group to get more pictures and recordings.  I can't wait.

  7. Yes in fact I have it was when recently i had two friends brutally murdered and one with a child. My Grandma had been in bad shape for years and she moved in too my house and my mother and stepfather and i took care of her she needed to go to the hospital and we didn't know it my mom and I were sitting down watching tv and a orb appeared out of nowhere and flew acroos the room and disappeared the orb was changing colors and another came out of nowhere and flew right over my mother's head and it was changing colors too and it scared us to death and i will never forget it. i also had another expierence with the paranormal actually several there is an indian burial ground deep out in the woods by my house and things were moved around when we were gone and there was no signs of robbery and nobody was there and just recently I saw a object in the sky and it was still for a few minutes and the only thing I could do was strae and there was only one light and then it started moving there was that same white light and two other white lights flashing on the sides of it and know what was weird it made no sound at all and there was no noise at all during that duration of time.

  8. Not once in 54 years.

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