
Have you ever had people block you after you answer their questions in elections or anywhere for that matter?

by  |  earlier

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do you answer their question and they cant stand the truth or is it something else like a thorn in your side




  1. Yes.  McCain supporters block me all the time.  It is quite pathetic.  Yes, they cannot stand the truth!  I guess they like living in a world of delusion where the truth is not something that they are interested in learning!  It annoys me because I will see one of their questions smearing Obama or misrepresenting the truth, and I want to set them straight on it.  Unfortunately, I can't because they have to be cowards!  

  2. Yep.

  3. Yes, I've had people block me because they didn't like what I had to say...I'm sure it happens often on here.

  4. About 6. All Cons.

  5. Yes.

    They can't stand the fact you showed them they are wrong, so they block you.

    Let me guess, the blocker was a Liberal?

  6. yes and people on here give a f88king thumbs down when you give them a whole paragraph of the truth from your heart including experience and all some sh*t head does is copy and paste 2 lines and they get best answer

  7. Yes, a little thin skinned. I blocked people viewing answers because they go through them, report you and get your account deleted. E-mail is open and I respond!

  8. You must be good.  I offer biting sarcasm that stings more than Jon Stewart on power trip, but never get blocked...I do get reported qutie a bit, though - SHEEP don't like gettin' shaved in the barn!!!

  9. happens all the time.

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