
Have you ever had......?

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A paranormal experience??




  1. no but I like your trapper hat

  2. Sometimes things do happen which contradict our understanding of the natural laws.That is certain.At the same time, normal experiences need 2b new defined.

  3. Yes, just now

  4. Not recently.

  5. Paranormal? I have ghosts in my house and there are in my neighbours house. They need to move on and go "into the light" or something, but they obviously cannot move on. Today I was at my neighbours house and the doors kept on opening and shutting by themselves. More weird things happen but I am afraid that's all I can be bothered to say :)

  6. A h**l of a lot of them on a regular basis. My whole family are susseptable to the supernatural.

  7. Never

  8. Not yet.

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