
Have you ever had revenge on someone and it felt right?

by  |  earlier

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how did you do it and how did this person wrong you?

did you have to wait long before you had the chance to get revenge?

did you plan it or the opportunity presented itself?




  1. I don't get mad, I don't get even. I just sit back and wait. Someone plays me, or screws me over, well, I just smile, because I know I'm going to get the last laugh. People who are out to s***w everyone else, end up s******g themselves eventually. I've seen it often enough with people who think they are real slick, or smarter than everyone else. Sometimes it takes a long time, but when it does, the satisfaction is well worth the wait.

  2. Yes, but it always feels bad later. Disengaging is the best way to go.

  3. i just sit back and let karma take control. something bad will happen to them in one way or another. and sometimes you dont know for sure, you just have to trust that it did.

  4., mainly because I can never get myself to go through with getting revenge, unless I'm just goofing around :)

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