
Have you ever had s*x on first date? What did the Guy Say, act like, do or look like for you make that choice?

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Have you ever had s*x on first date? What did the Guy Say, act like, do or look like for you make that choice?




  1. Sounds like a "Want to know what chloroform smells like?" joke waiting to happen.

    The question feels limited to me. s*x on the first date could be any number of reasons. Being a friend for the longest time, just felt like it, etc.

  2. Is this a s*x chat line or something ? If we all told that you'd be having a cold shower right now mate.

  3. I had s*x on the first date once but it wasnt all that weird because i knew him for like 3 years and with us it was something that we both always wanted to do.

  4. I have several times, the trick is to not make them think of you as a bf but at the same time make them horny. So lots of touching, lots of teasing, and a lot of pulling away.

  5. Ive never had s*x :(. Then again, i am 15. Still.....

  6. Sometimes it can be so much more

    exciting to make love to a stranger !

    & no, there really is no reason to

    be 'awkward' in the morning.

  7. Yeah only once and 6 years,a mortgage,car,and 2 gorgeous kids later were still together!

  8. I would of tonight. If I would of not met a previous date. Horrible luck for me tonight sadly... I was speechless. Anyway tonight I was kinda nervous but I had a scotch on the rocks and got better. I just complemented on her, specifically there was titties on the tv in the bar, she told me not to look, and I said I was picturing her. Then the psycho ***** came. And now im here telling you about it.

  9. LOL

  10. Why do you want to know? Trying to get yourself a sure date for the weekend?! :-)

  11. h**l no, I think any girl who does that is a w***e :)

  12. uh no. Im not a hoe; you lookin' to update your skillz? lol. if you just want to s*x, then go to a bar and have a one nighter, or go look at a street corner or strip club. happy sexin'!

  13. Yes, but it really wasn't because the guy said the right things or acted the right way. It was because we were both attracted to each other and I wanted to have s*x and did not care about having any kind of relationship. Not that they were bad guys or anything, just a carefree time I was going through.

  14. No.  Never.

    Some of us just have total respect for ourselves oh pervy one.

  15. Ummm well I was very drunk by the end of the evening. I think that's probably what did it. but it turned out okay, 'cause i ended up dating him for like 7 months after that... and i wasn't like "oh.. my... god.." when i woke up the next morning lol

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