
Have you ever had someone offer to buy something of yours - refuse to sell - and the item vanishes?

by  |  earlier

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ie stolen. This has happened to me more than once - is it a trait of human nature with some people to take what they want one way or the other....




  1. You're working with a mind there that is skirting sociopathy,

    they probably think they made an honest effort to get you

    to sell, but hey the item was really theirs from the moment

    they coveted it. You need to not leave people alone with

    your stuff, or your stuff alone, and be more careful who

    you hang out with.

  2. yup. now everything is secured and chained down.

    I used to use gun cable locks to chain things down, including my laptop, gun locks are designed to be the most challenging to open forcefully. State-approved ones are hardest to force-open without a key. I still have some things chained down using those. Bolt cutters don't work.

    Other things, buy a safe for it. If you can't afford a 320$ safe, build one. Make it out of steel and polish the outside so there is no way to hold it. Add a sharp edge on the bottom to make it very painful to hold it, and weigh it down with lots and lots of lead. I built a safe out of steel, concrete and wood. Its has all my most valuable stuff in it, along with a whole lotta cash. Its heavier than h**l and hard to move it. I estimate it to weigh at least 250 lbs. Then I got an alarm for it, a dozen of those smoke detector ones, in a surround sound patten around it.

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