
Have you ever had someone you're romantically interested in make a meal for you and it was awful?

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Did you eat the whole thing? How did you handle it?




  1. The only time was after I was married and my husband tried to cook, it always has way too much garlic or spices in it.  I just eat a little and he don't care because then there is more for him.

    You were way too nice to eat it all if it was that bad.  She should have never let you get away, your a saint!

  2. I ate it with a smile on my face and cooked the next meal.  When he realized how much better my cooking was, he asked for advice, which I tactfully gave him without referring to his previous attempt.

  3. I have not been in your situation however, you can be honest with the person and let them know they tried hard, but need some work on their skills- or you can lie.  People have a hard time with the truth but we have to learn to break out of the mold and be honest.  How else will that person learn if they are not told the truth.  Just tell it in love.  Don't be too critical, but comment with support.  Ex. I think the idea of the meat selection was good, but I usually like mine cooked a little longer.

  4. I DID!!!  We are brave aint we!  What can you do though, they put so much time and effort into it what you are eating is their effort and try not to think of the awful taste LOL, smile and make a mental note "cooking lessons"

    In fact your next date you could cook and invite them over to help you, this way you are teaching them at the same time without hurting their feelings.

  5. A 30 year old wanting to date a 19 year old leaves a bad taste in my mouth too.

    Serves you right!

  6. Yes, my first wife, after we were married and two weeks of tomato soup and boiled hot dogs, I asked why. That was all she knew hot to fix. She never cooked again.

  7. I always make a point of eating a meal presented to me as a guest even prawns which I absolutely hate.

    When we first got married my wife prepared a meal which was bl--dy awful and I just ate it so as not to upset her.

    It was osme weeks later that she told me that she thought it was dreaful and was surprised that I could have eaten it.

    I know which side my bread is buttered on because Isaid it was not that bad. No I did not us ethe Curate's egg ploy.   mention

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