
Have you ever had the feeling of....(more details below)? ?

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...getting tired of rock and metal and rather listen to softer music like orchestra music, ambient music, piano, etc..... like you're listening to 3 consecutive metal albums (Dying Fetus then Iced Earth then Arch Enemy) and then you'll find out that your ears are tired.

In my case, I'm listening right now to Final Fantasy 8 Piano Collections after listening to those aforementioned bands.

Call me lame or g*y if you want to...




  1. You're lame and g*y.   ;)

    No, I know exactly what you're saying, but instead of listening to orchestral music like you said, I will usually just listen to a softer genre of rock.  

  2. Nah man, I think it's a great thing to broaden your musical horizons.

  3. All Metal and no Prog makes Darth a dull boy.

    I listen to a variety of music, hard and soft.

  4. I know exactly what you are talking about!  I go through spells all the time.  Sometimes I just want to listen to something calming - that is when I listen to some Steely Dan.  OK this is definitely going to bring on the TD's, but I love the music from the Nutcracker Suite - but that is an extreme.  

    Rock on to the Piano and give your ears a rest!  \m/

  5. No, I sometimes need a rest period from all of my metal...I listen to Coldplay and some guy named Travis....they're super's a nice change!

    I also listen to a bunch of classical songs and really chilled 80s songs...

  6. i loved the movie of your avatar, very underrated

    Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (2007)

  7. I know exactly what you're saying. A lot of it depends on my mood though. Sometimes I think I just need to listen to something softer.  

  8. Yep, i know exactly what your talking about. Sometimes when my ears need a rest from screaming, ill throw in a video game like FFXI or something like that and just play and listen. Ill usually just play a game with pwnage audio.

  9. Yep...I take extended breaks often from my metal collection....

    I dig blues, jazz, classical, Gregorian chants, Middle Eastern, big band, etc....

    When I come back to metal, and I always do, it sounds fresher....

  10. i listen to a little bit of everything so i don't really get tired of it. i like rock. i don't really listen to much metal. i have never heard of those albums but i will take your word for it. and no i do not think orchestra music makes you g*y. listen to whatever makes you happy.

  11. Its like everything else in life.  Sometimes you need to step away for a while.  We all do it.

  12. I don't think it's lame but I don't often get the same way as I often have all genres of music mixed and on rotation so I never know what could come up in any particular moment.

  13. All the time

    sometimes you just need a change, since it can come repetitive and feels redundant

    Right now i am just listening to the raw acoustics of Robert Johnson and the subtle complexity of Chet Atkins

  14. This may be part of why I listen to so many different genres.

    After ODing on one genre like Rock {especially if I've been focusing on one band or artist}, it's wonderful to refresh my ears with something else like Celtic, or Classical, or... a variety of others...

  15. yes that is why i balance metal and darkwave they are the sme but sound different

  16. You're not alone i sometimes feel the same way too i usually pop in the ''Batman Begins/The Dark Knight'' theme ''Molossus'' or the ''Max Payne 2'' cello theme.

  17. yeah sometimes. i'll listen to some mayhem or gorgoroth or venom or dying fetus. then i usually mellow out with some slayer or lamb of god. if i'm in a really mellow mood i'll just throw on some judas priest or iron maiden

  18. No that's OK you are a real listener.

  19. You officially have the most similar taste in music to mine. I love metal, I love Final Fantasy and I love classical. Fricking awesome.

  20. Yeah, I get that all the time. Well, I don't only listen to metal/rock, but I go through like phases of music, so for about two weeks I will listen to mostly industrial, then I'll listen to metal for another week, then pop, then classical, and so on. I need like an 'antidote' to whatever I've been listening to. Lol.  

  21. You g*y lameo!... .JOKING!! :)

    Nah.. I like all types of music. You think you catch it; I really enjoy Billy Holiday and Bach. So there you non-openminded people!

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