
Have you ever had the feeling...?

by  |  earlier

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that there is an aspect to your life you have not yet fulfilled? You are attracted to certain things, like artifacts, astronomy, architecture, art, etc, that are not in your normal flow of interests. As though you had another life as it were.




  1. My major interest is getting the h**l out of the 3rd dimension while somehow maintaining my physical body.  

    Or, at least, getting to another 3rd D location elsewhere which is not owned and run by fuc.... psychopaths, whose major agendas are to murder 85% of the world's population while owning everything, including all of the survivors.

    Google  illuminati   NWO

  2. yep XD reincarnation XD BIG tiem for me XD cuz i like rock and metal and darker stuff, but for unknown reasons, i had a very strong liking to cherry blossoms. it felt like i loved them forever but hated them at the same tiem XD same thing wiht techno and readin. I love techno but for another unknown reaosn, sometimes i feel i hate it and reading... i hate it but can never put down a book once i puck it up until i finish it or forced 2 put it down XD quite complicated really... but intreguing at the same time XD *gets lost in thoughts*

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