
Have you ever had the light change to green, you go, BUT the car in front didn't?

by  |  earlier

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Oh, by the way, years ago, I actually did it.




  1. No Gnome, I'm in a home town that doesn't have that problem. You have to wait, if not watch out for people who still pass through a intersection when the light is yellow. The worst is when it's red and they still are plowing through. :'(

  2. Almost but thankfully not yet

  3. It's called peripheral vision. You look at what's in front of you and still see the light or look at the light and still see what's in front of you. The opposite is called 'tunnel vision' and gets you whacked when you least expect it. With really good peripheral vision you should be able to look straight ahead and still see your fingers with your arms straight out to the left and right. The more forward you have to bring your arms, in order to see your hands, the worse your peripheral vision. One way they measure the effects of glaucoma, a disease which elevates internal eye pressure and destroys the optic nerve, is by checking peripheral vision since it is one of the first things to deteriorate from glaucoma.

  4. No, thank heavens!  But that's not saying that it couldn't happen! I have had it done to me on the Garden State Parkway, thought I was going into next week! LOL

  5. yes and i had to pay for the damages.

  6. I've been driving for 40 years. I've had two accidents, one was off roading so I don't count that. I figure I've driven well over a million miles with no accidents. A parent once told me when I was a kid that every time you get in a car to drive, it's like sitting on a 2000 pound bullet. If you let your mind wander, you're going to kill somebody. The only other accident I had, I let my mind wander, didn't notice the traffic stopping in front of me. Thankfully, no one was hurt.

    Pay attention when you drive. I don't want to hear about any of my contacts splattered on the highway, okay?

  7. Yeah for sure and i had to leave black marks in the road to keep from hittin the one in front of me.. Pissed me off big time..

  8. No, I tend to pay attention when I drive.

  9. Actually yes this has happened to me. It was two years after I had my license. My first ever wreck/ticket. And the people in the other car had to call an ambulance because the wife was a few weeks pregnant (not anywhere near showing yet either).

    What happened was the car in front of me started moving, then slammed their breaks, and I couldn't respond fast enough :(

    Never gotten another ticket since then.

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