
Have you ever had this bad dream...?

by Guest67100  |  earlier

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something i call "mini nightmares"

you are in your bed...

and when you try and get up... you vibrate or shake...

and when you try and call for help, your voice turns out that you are whispering

and the only way to get out of the dream is to close your eyes




  1. yup , when u see this kind of dreams it means that ur body is tired and u need to get a rest

    maybe u spend alot of time at work

    when u wake up u need to have a cup of water and open the window to get fresh air and try to go back to sleep

    PS : when u see this dream , ur body tries to warn  u that ur tired

  2. I`m a Vietnam Veteran, who has dreams & nightmares since 1970.

  3. I have always had nightmares....the yelling out with no one able to hear (whisper-no voice) is representative of you figuratively "losing your voice".  Perhaps there is an issue or area of your life that is not being heard....make your voice heard by realizing that what you are feeling is important.  One possible solution would be to share your dreams and more of your life with someone might ease your mind and allow you to sleep better...or at the very least give you back your voice.

    Good luck to you!

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